Beiträge von W506

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

    Hello! I've recently bought TP2 and was ready to install some mods when I get in TFMM a message saying "Transport Fever cannot be found in this path. Administrative privileges may be required". The game is installed in "E" and under "E:\Program Files\GOG Games\Transport Fever 2", I have to say that the TF1 that I have is also GOG and worked perfectly being in another drive which wasn't "C"...

    Can someone lend me a hand? I've tried launching the program running it as an administrator with no result... Tried adding the program in the game folder and out of it with no results...

    Hello! I recently downloaded the Duewag R, a very nice mod indeed, but I think that it would be great to have the possibility of having at least a version of them coupled, as I'm really new into modding, could someone please help when and letting me know where and what should I change to have a coupled version of these trams?

    Ich wollte im grünen Bereich das Stationsgebäude aufstellen dann stürzte das Spiel ab und diese Fehlermeldung (beim Bild) kam dann. Ich versteh nicht was ich machen soll oder was ich überhaupt bei der Installation falsch gemacht habe.

    [EDIT] : Falls jemand fragt, ich hab es erst vor 10min installiert und ja, ich habe auch die Anleitung gelesen bzw. Toturials angeschaut.

    Sorry for writing in English, but I'm having the same problem here, I did install " Modulare Regionalzug-Haltestellen Österreich" too, but as I don't have a very good level of German an Google translator won't allow me inside the page (dunno why), I can't tell if I'm missing something... :/

    Hello, I've been very disconnected from this world for almost a year, I still need help in finding documentation, in English would be great, or links to where I can download the tools (if there are any) to export content to Transport Fever, or a very rough guide with all the steps in pictures... Could anyone lend me a hand? All what I've found, is in German! Is there anything official out there?

    Also, what language do you work with? LUA? C++? C#? I'm also staying at the moment with 3dsMax... Is there a guide on how to export from there?


    HelloYstlDystl and thanks for your reply!

    I agree,TS models have quite a huge amount of polygons, so here is the next question... What do you guys recommend? What amount of polygons would be the best for TPF? The Odakyu 5000 Series has almost 27k, is that a lot? Making a new model and detailing it less should work also, but it would be great to know like, the "limit" of polygons for TPF.

    About blender, I downloaded the program long time ago, even before I laid my hands on 3dsMax and I found it quite interesting but I decided to stick with Autodesk, so... Just export from max to blender and then, from there to TPF? But what about the textures? Would Blender maintain the mapping? from 3dsMax? Is it that simple?

    Still there are just a few people I would be quite interested in knowing if there is an exporter for obvious reasons.

    Thanks for the help! || Danke schön fur ihre Hilfe! :D

    Hello there! For quite some time now I've been following Train Fever and Transport Fever Community as I'm a fan of these kind of "transportish" sims, I have to say that I'm really impressed with TPF and how good looking it is, keep it up DEV Team! :D

    Now then back to the main topic of this post, for some years I've been modelling with 3DsMax for sims like MSTS~OR and now TS201X, you see, I model Spanish content but I'm a very big fan of Japanese trains and so I've modelled already a couple of those, it all started back then with the Odakyu Electric Railway from MSTS. Years have passed and both models shown in the picture are quite old but I think that with a little of "make up" or just exporting them as they are, would look more than fine in Transport Fever...

    Now the question is... Are there any guides out there for exporting from 3dsMax to TPF? Where can I find them? Do you need to know scripting for exporting trains to the game? I've got a lot of answers along through this exporting process, hope you don't mind the questions... :D

    [Blockierte Grafik:]