Beiträge von datmanrh

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    I don't think it will work as the vcargo needs to be loaded from the cargo platform and the passengers from the passenger platform (cargo wont load from the passenger platform) and the train can either stop at one or the other, a way round it would be a passenger station then a cargo station a little out connect them on the same line then the train picks up passengers then stops at cargo station to pick up cargo (passengers wont load or get off) maybe a short truck route from the tool factory up the line to the cargo station, so the finished tools will be transported to the cargo station then loaded onto the passenger cargo train

    this might explain it better…ns/0/3779119905187607251/

    depending on what mods you are using if its vechiles, then they wont appear in game until the year they was build

    the year of construction availability is normal on the page where you downloaded from,

    you can always check by playing a free game, then advancing the year to 2025 then I would say all the mods installed should be available to you in game

    Anyone used any mods that stop the Ai of the game building over assets and areas where you dont want the ai to build?,

    was reading on a youtube video there is one you can mark out areas,then someone replied in the comments and said, easier way is to use mad hatters fences mod which does the same thing

    but they didnt say how, is it just make a square fence around area you dont want the ai to build? anyone know ?

    Im building a custom map with 2 big Eurotunnel type depots, but when i start playing the game the Ai then descidess to stick a factory bang in the middle of the area i want to develope the depots later and they cant be removed

    Many thanks for any suggestions, pointers :)

    Any comments? thoughts ?

    still having same problem on a custom map the map i am making is a wide ocean sea with few islands in middle main land areas are right and left of the huge ocean can place towens fine, can place industries fine, when i try to generate connecting roads it fills the generating bar then crashes to desktop with this error screen

    Is there a limitation on distances between towns and connecting roads to them?

    i tried filling in the ocean area then tried connecting roads got the same error

    my next thing to try is manual place more towns on the filled in area of the ocean and see if the conencting roads works, if it does ,i will then have to delete all the towns and connecting roads on the flat ground i filed in and make the flat area ocean again leaving the side land area towns all connected :)

    just tried attaching stdout file and its saying to big to attach hopefully the error is in the following txt which seems to be where the town connections are generated

    hopefully someone can see what is causing error have tried a few new maps and the connecting towns bar goes to about 87% then crashes no warning and then im back on desktop :/

    strange. I tried it also with no other mods active and it works. I used the steam version of the mod. I copied all settings in the screenshot, so maybe check if you are using different settings. btw are you using the windows version of the game?

    windows version of the game, mod is from subscribed item on workshop

    copied your settings and this is what i have

    it still has the extra bit sticking out

    im trying to achive the ending of the wall as flush so i can place it against a rock face

    when i do it with these settings the best i can get it is as picture below, but you can still see the 2 triangle pieces cicrled in red it wont go flush with the rockface in the middle to give it a tidy finish, these 2 areas also effect how the earth moves when trying to build near them , , have tried with collision on and off makes no difference , maybe im asking too much from the mod and will have to settle for the gaps and strange shape at the end

    Mh, I tried this with the retaining wall mod too and it works for me (seeings see screenshot). Maybe you have some mods active that have an effect on the max slope/angles?

    on closer looking the right hand end of the wall in your picture shows a triangle piece sticking out i think this appears when extending the grass area at the top or extending the bottom area, now i have recently reinstalled my op system and the game and now this is the only mod running, the nearest i can get to what i would like is at the top of this picture, but if i try to move the wall next to the other piece the blue area becomes red and cannot be placed, if i adjust anything else i get the extra bits sticking out at the end :)

    looking for help :)

    made a custom map , placed towns and now trying to connect them with road

    game is crashing to desktop when it tries to generate the roads, have reduced the towns to 2 (near each other) and connect the 2 towns then hit generate, game crashes to desktop with just 2 towns, have made sure there is a clear path between the 2 towns but that didnt help still crashes

    so apart from making the roads manually (which will take ages and not look natural)

    is there anything else i could try to stop the error?

    or is there a mod that will connect the towns with a decent random road that does not require manual placing of straight and curved pieces of road?

    i can supply the dump file if there is anyone that can understand it and why its crashing :)

    Thanks for the reply, at least i now know the mod works fine, i guess it must be another wall mod causing this and its just a case of trial and error to pinpoint the mod thats conflicting with this one?

    Hi all,

    trying to build a retaining wall as in picture, what im trying to achive is bottom part of wall in circle (1) and the top part of the wall like in circle (2) but if i try to get it nice and flush at top it bleeds through the wall at the bottom so its no longer flush, if i get it nice and flush at the bottom then there is a gap behind the wall, i have tried a few other mods but im getting the same effect, ideally is there a mod of a high concrete wall i can push into the side of a hill that will be flush at the bottom and the hill ends up neatly at the top of the wall , there is a better mod out there to achive this, as always very great full for any help suggestions :)

    Thanks for your reply Dark,

    could you recheck your screenshot as all i see is pasted-from-clipboard.png and when clicked it takers me to page cannot be displayed error :)

    I have both the mods you mentioned so i guess i already have them somewhere amongst my mods :)

    re boats, i watched a video on you tube where they posted some asset boats , i have made a cooment on video to ask what mods they are but the video is from 2022 so might not get an answer i grabbed a screenshot of the mods icons but i dont recognise them :/

    Hi All,

    wonder if i can get some help with a few mod locations, chances are they are on the site somewhere but maybe labelled in german or another language so i cant find them ( im English)

    first one is a sailing boat or yacht as a placable asset

    2nd one is a wooden jetty (no buildings )

    3rd one is people sitting down, i have peoples assets and peoples assets expanded also have ingos mods maybe i have people sitting down? where would they be found in the mods ?

    Many thanks :)

    Hi All,

    Does anyone recognize the mods circled in the attached picture?

    have been looking on steam and here for last few hours and cant find them,

    also is there a sailing boat asset mod avail for tf2? have made a custom map with a lake and would like some sail boats on it.

    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for all your comments and links i have now got all the mods i was after :)

    will have to remember to search for the German wording in future, as i would have never found these mods as i was searching for english words :)

    Hi all, wonder if anyone can help finding some mods, i have looked on the steam workshop and found the cranes in the pictures but i am trying to find the yellow vechiles,cones, workmen on building (are they european firemen?) also the silver fence anyone recognize any of them? hunting through the workshop and not finding anythng like them, they may be listed not in english so that may be why i cant find them ,or they are on another site, anyone recognize any? also looking for any other building

    site mods ect any pointers greatly received :)
