Beiträge von petel900

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    It has got to the point where I am a bit fed up. I think you need to rethink some of the supply lines because quarries do not supply brickyards. Quarries supply stone/cement/concrete works, and clay pits supply brickyards.
    Brickyards are built adjacent to clay pits. Nowhere in this world would anybody ship clay to a brickyard. Similarly, steelworks are built adjacent to coal mines and iron ore would be transported to the steelworks.
    Is the "bread" icon an inclusion for all foods? The "Goods" icon is so misrepresentative so what I would like to see is additions to the supply lines, at source, so a community builds around those supply lines and these in turn grow to towns.
    Let me explain a bit more clearly.
    Farms. Around the farm industries would develop: a bakery, abattoir, tannery, cobbler, cloth (from wool), tailor, etc.
    Steelworks. Around steelworks would develop: kitchen goods (cutlery, saucepans, etc.), white goods, cannery, heavy goods, etc.
    Brickyards. Potteries are usually associated with clay pits. Perhaps glass making could share the kilns? So these industries could build up around the brickyards.
    Oil. In the UK (and other countries) oil is imported by sea, so I think one edge of the map should be coastal as refineries are built on the coast. Apart from petrol, diesel and various oils, we get medicines and plastics from oil. Take a look at…zenship/oil_products.html
    So these industries could grow around refineries.
    It doesn't have to be micro management, but perhaps a bit more realistic of the real world instead of just saying "Goods".
    I think you have some new stuff in the pipeline but these are just my suggestions and opinions.
    Anyone agree or disagree?