Beiträge von Gunbrum

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

    I have only three demands on a new Transport Fever game:

    1) The option not to be bothered by modernist architecture in your towns/cities, EVER! Failing that, at least keep the record straight on architectural history: There were no 1960's tower blocks, nor any 80's style private houses with roof windows in the year 1900!

    2) Industries should be located in towns/cities, not far away out in the countryside (factory workers need somewhere to live, right?). The reason Transport Fever has this weird and unrealistic idea of cultural geography is simply because it's so massively derived from Chris Sawyer's "Transport Tycoon", from 1994. In fact, it's mostly just a modern adaption with updated graphics. Well, if Sawyer had made his game in 2019, he probably wouldn't have stuck to a formula predicated on the technological limitations of 25 years ago!

    3) Please don't name people in the game things like "Muhammed" or "Achmed"! For 19th and 20th century Europe, it's bloody irritating.

    Sorry for not replying, been damn busy, but it's great to see there are others who think this way.

    Thanks for the mod sugggestions! Unfortunately, like you state, they do not go all the way, but it's better than nothing I assume. They also seem to suggest that a more radical solution to keep the older, better looking buildings could be sought.

    It's also weird the rate at which buildings are replaced. At any given time, there seem to be hardly any buildings more than 10 years old! I wonder what mechanics govern building replacement. If I made a game, as one of the conditions, I think I would not have a building torn down and replaced if the new building wasn't bigger and offered more jobs/residents.

    Also been thinking about an alternative approach to an architecture 'era freeze' mod. What if you could mod, i.e design and introduce new buildings into the game? Much like people are modding locomotive and rolling stock? Then perhaps you could make an entire set of buildings to replace those currently in use for a entire era. In regards to the "Mid" era for example, beginning in 1900, one could replace all the current modernist, out of place looking buildings with glorious Jugend/Art Noveau (Turn of the century) buildings intermingled with new Revivalis styles/Beaux Art ones (19th century). In addition, the "Late" period could be scrapped altogether and industrial buildings remain at the "Early" period level throughout.

    What do you think?

    P.S: What really baffles me is how today's game designers appear not to understand their own customer base. People who are into transport simulation and construction management/builder games tend to fall into two categories: 1) Those who are mainly into getting new, better and faster stuff, and who are perfectly happy with modern design, and 2) Those who just love the aesthetics of for instance a beautiful steam locomotive and are similarly disposed towards older, premodernist architecture and surroundings. Thing is the earlier group, we could call them the "engineers", don't really care all that much what the towns look like as long as they are well made, so there is actually no reason not to indulge the latter group's sensibilities (which we could call the "premodernists") in providing a beautiful premodernist setting to the game or at least the choice of retaining it! "Tropico 4 - Modern Times" made the exact same mistake in that instead of leaving a free choice it forced the player to build hideous modernist/neo-modernist housing after a certain date. This was the main reason me and a lot of other people never bought that particular expansion.

    Would love to see a mod that simply banned modern ("mid" and "late") buildings from the game.

    Got into TF a few weeks ago and I'm still playing through my first game. Been great so far. Upon reaching the year 1900 though I discovered that the lovely 19th century buildings in the towns were rapidly being replaced by modernist architecture! Shock, horror and dismay! If there is one thing I cannot stand it's modernism! (Not to mention it's being introduced some 30 years too early in comparison to the historical record.)

    Now, I wonder if there is a mod that steers clear of such horrendous architectural aesthetics or if anyone might be planning on making such a mod?

    Failing that, I would have learn modding myself cause I just don't want to give up on this wonderful game.

    Kind regards,