Beiträge von et22

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    In my opinion, it's a very good repaint, looking good. I have only 2 small comments:

    1. doors can be in monocolor - all blue or all yellow, not in yellow-blue stripes,
    2. number of the car can be symmetrical under the PKP logo. That's mean, that underline part of the number can be non symmetrical to the logo.

    Thank You very much for Your work,



    Hello Taigatrommel66! Please do not translate into polish, it's very difficult to understand Google translation. You probably ask, if control cab cars was used in Poland? This type of cars haven't got control cab, car with it will be fictive. According to my knowledge, only in DDR (and post DDR times) those cars had control cabin.



    P.S. Some test paintings, first probably in DR service, 3 next in DB. Photos not mine, all from Internet.

    Edit by Yoshi: And that's why they are removed.

    Taigatrommel66 - thank You for your answer, as for BKK Bitterfeld loko, I have desktop PC, very old (C2D E8500 with Ati Radeon HD 7700 family), but I haven't got problems with rest of Your repaints. I tested all of them, (great job :), only BKK havent got textures. I'm playing on test version (15501) of TF, after performance patch, regular version of the game, are unplayeable for me.

    Hello Taigatrommel66 !

    You made a very good job, but lokos BR211 with numbers from 001 up to 042 have 4 double vents.
    Model from Stepke have 6 single vents, this type od the loko was produced from 1970 ( Most of yours work is unfortunately not real :(
    You can easily correct some paintings (of course if you really want), for example test painting was also on 055 and 056 lokos, S-Bahn on 049 loko (modernly, i don't know historically).
    BR242 also have 4 double vents from 001 number up to 022.
    Stepke model have a small fault - riffles on the rahm, 6 vents lokos haven't got them.

    I have a problem with BKK Bitterfeld loko, all is black, no textures.