Beiträge von Cristian995

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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    FurNamikaze I think your crash is caused by shinkansen e2 mod, maybe because you have too many sounds and too many vehicles used, and your type z tram is deleted because it's mdl file has a wrong line, line 33 is missing this string "type_Z" , and you should resub to all mods from kaleut as i see they are being deleted but i have no problem with them.

    If the team from vienna mods don't want to update their files you can change this "" mesh = "vehicle / tram / type_Z / lod_0_interior.msh", "" to this "" mesh = "vehicle / tram / type_Z / type_Z / lod_0_interior .msh "," "on line 33 of the menu_type_z.mdl file.

    @DomTrain I managed to get rid of the error by adding the missing file to "tram / type_Z /" from tram / type_Z / type_z / subfolder , so the idea is that there is one more subfolder from which it can't call the files in it, so all you have to do is copy them in the main "type_z" folder. And to answer your question i was using both mods but the main one has this error.

    The problem with this error is that the "menu_type_z.mdl" is missing something on line 33 instead of ''"mesh = "vehicle/tram/type_Z/lod_0_interior.msh","" it should be ""mesh = "vehicle/tram/type_Z/type_Z/lod_0_interior.msh","" so if you want to update that file would be nice.

    Hi guys, is there a way to make the buying menu to be updated as the year of the first vehicle in that menu? For example i am in 1940 and the bu/cu/cdu der kkstb menu for passenger carriage is in 1895 above all carriages even if the first one in the menu comes in 1920(csd cu).

    @DomTrain I managed to get rid of the error by adding the missing file to "tram / type_Z /" from tram / type_Z / type_z / subfolder , so the idea is that there is one more subfolder from which it can't call the files in it, so all you have to do is copy them in the main "type_z" folder. And to answer your question i was using both mods but the main one has this error.

    When i load the game i get this error: vehicle / tram / vienna_fever / type_z / menu_type_z.mdl was removed because the following resources were missing:
    - res / models / mesh / vehicle / tram / type_Z / lod_0_interior.msh , but i am able to continue the game without having that tram.