Beiträge von TheoG57

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    Hello @Enzojz,

    First, I like this underground station really much and I thank you for your job !

    I got somme "bug" you can perhaps explain : if I build my whole subway network without installing and connecting the exits at first, if I save, quit and reload my game letter, the game just crash when I want to use the connection tool. The errors message says that all stations are not connected properly.
    Did I understand or do something wrong ?
    Thanks !

    I've just noticed that your idea was similar to the one I just posted in terms of an elevated station with road access below and rails over top. It would be great to have this as well as a station at ground level that is accessed from above via a stairway down. I wonder if it could be done. I love that station you demonstrated. Not seen it before and it's really quite charming! :) Best of luck!

    I did not see your post yet, but maybe this idea will gain in strenght !
    There is already an open station under ground level with access from above but, same as for elevated station, only for modern times ! an old looking version could be really nice actually.
    Is that you're talking about ?

    I believe @Yoshi is building something like that already

    That would be very good news !

    Btw thank you all for your interest :)

    Hello dear modders,

    I’m sorry my German language basis are to far away to say what I want and I’m not going to make your eyes and brain suffer with some half-sickened automatic translation…so this’ll be in English 8)

    There is something missing to this game I think : an eraly/classical looking elevated passenger station for our Stadtbahnen or diverse urban railways. It is a bit frustrating to use the flexible station using elevation offset.

    Enzojz’s elevated station perfectly fits for late/modern games but has no counterpart in the early and "classic" eras of railroading !

    There are some rather iconic elevated stations that would look awesome ingame, like the Wiener U-bahn Alser Straße :…%9Fe_Vogelperspektive.jpg

    But perhaps what we need first is a more casual elevated station that can fit in most games and player fantasies somethning like an "elevated vanilla" available from 1850/1900).

    The Berliner S-Bahn and U-Bahn stations could be an interesting models :

    like the Bellevue Station :


    or the Bulowsstrasse Station :…evated_U2_-_panoramio.jpg

    or the Eberswalder Strasse station :…walder_Stra%C3%9Fe_A3.jpg

    Of course these are only suggestions and if you’re interested by such a project, you probably have your own visual refrences. But I’m conviced that this station is missing in TPF ;)

    Technically speaking, the main characteristics should be :
    - street access on ground level
    - 2 to 4 tracks with maybe some transit tracks options (optionnal), ideally under canopy
    - standart or narrow jauge tracks
    - the possibility to have central or exterior platforms (optionnal)
    - 1 or 2 street accesses under bridge or lateral with or without tram tracks
    - curvature options could be nice but I guess it's a bit complicated on such a design ?

    Thanks ! :thumbsup:

    This mod will be probably my last new mod, I feel tired of modding with tpf under the game's constraint, I want to create my own, and a little disappointed by the creativity of the community, I see no one tried to make another better elevated station than mine. I make the shell just to hide the ugly bottom part, surprisingly there's no other such station in almost two years.

    You did a really nice work !
    You're right, it's really surprising there's no other elevated stations mods, especially old or classical ones, given the number of metros, S/U-Bahnen or local railways mods.
    I saw an unfinished model on a thread of this forum some time ago but I can't find it any more...
    I'm not yet technically ready to start my own but I'm working on this ;)