Beiträge von fredbull002

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    Hello, i m looking for some info for the next steps before continuing, like how are the materials managed,textures, the different parts and so on.
    Come back as soon as i got something to share ;-)

    Ah ty for the tip to upload pics , it will be easier xd
    Gonna erase the square where re the beds and make it with texture, but allready on thecurve above the wheel and at some points on the cab i allready won 400 tris by merging some loops.

    Hi all,
    on the screenshot there is a subsurf(2 times).
    i ve done my model with as low poly possible but some details did need some edge loops, i thought about maybe doing a different object to preve,t from repeating object loops but dont know yet how does it work yet when exporting the model.

    i ve allready taken a look at your scania onionjack, and saw u made different lods.
    I allready learned basic c#language but still have to learn lua to understand how does it all work and what should also be possible to do.
    I m gonna upload a screen of the model without subsurf, if i m not wrong i m close to 1000 squares, wich would make 2000 tris if i m not wrong.
    Looks like i will have to work some details with textures to lower the number of poly.

    U ll be happy than, in fact i plan to make the history of DAF, TPF is poor on trucks mod for the early years ;-)

    This could be good for the mods based on Netherland

    Hi all.
    First of all i havent found any topic to present me, but my german is really bad so i may be wrong.
    I am new on the forum and had to come here as i hope to find some help to understand some things about modding on TPF as i am new modder on TPF(already modded on gtr2,race07,...)

    When i was modding on race07 in a team i was working on sound files and some other config files, but now i wanted to get one level up by modelling myself.
    As a reallife truckdriver, my goal of course is to model trucks(and maybe later some belgian trains)

    I allready began the model and still have a lot of work to do, so during that time, feel free to explain me the best way to mod trucks for tpf or give a link that is not in german.

    Here you ll see a shot of where i am now
    Have actually 866 faces, no idea of what should be correct on a finished model to get a ressource friendly model

    [Blockierte Grafik:]