Beiträge von Tryst49

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    Yes, it makes sense.

    However, I used just one example of the grain.
    If you have an industry that is going in two directions, Wood or Steel for example that can go to the machine shop to make tools and robotics and also the goods manufacturer to make goods, it also happens. Both lines are treated as seperate items, even in a truck station. An amalgamation would allow a single stack to serve both lines.

    Food is the real killer. I have 6 lorries going to various towns, some take longer than others to return, meanwhile their stacks are growing and growing. Personally, I wouldn't want food from the supermarket those lorries supply since it's been sitting in the warehouse for at least a couple of months.

    As someone who comes from a logistics background, I find it completely insane that you have a single warehouse that is regularly stocked with a single item and throw an equal amount on two seperate piles despite one vehicle constantly waiting every 24 hours but the other doesn't turn up for several days at a time.

    Tried that and it results in the train going with only half a load of Livestock and nothing else since it's only a short trip.
    End result is that the train starts to lose money due to running costs being far higher than the income.

    Seperate stations also results in the grain mostly going to the one that only takes grain while the other station gets livestock and very little grain. No difference to how it is with 2 lines on one station.

    This problem also persists with lorry stations too. One or two lines get crammed while another is left waiting for the same goods.

    I have two trains running from a farm:
    Line 1 to the food production plant taking Livestock and Cereal.
    Line 2 to the Plastic factory taking Cereal.

    Both use corn but, by preference the farm is sending all the Cereal to line 2, leaving line 1 having to wait for the hoppers to be filled. Meanwhile, the livestock is building up.
    As a result, I have an abundance of Cereal on line 2 that the second train cannot cope with, but Line 1 is still waiting around. Similarly, an abundance of livestock on line 1 because it's having to wait for Cereal.

    I have the same with trucks. Line 1 fills to ridiculous levels while the truck on line 2 sits waiting for the SAME materials.

    What I'm looking for is a mod/script that will make depots and stations store materials WITHOUT assigning them to a line until the vehicle arrives to transport it and then, loading the vehicle from the stored amount.

    Does this script/mod already exist or can someone make it?

    Also posted on Steam Forums.