Beiträge von YnotAlucard

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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    From what I’ve seen on that list, train’s plans and views are missing.

    The problem is that to find plans in open access and very difficult.

    However, via the link, below, which I had already posted in a higher answer, on page 2 of the PDF this finds dimensions of the PKP ED 250, they are not very visible but we can distinguish some measures. And since the ED 250 is identical to the ETR 610 except for the pantographs (it has only 4 versus 6 for the ETR 610), it will be fine.…la-pkp-intercity-s-a.html

    Hello everyone.

    Would it be possible to carry out the ETR 610 on TPF 2 ? There's a lot of Swiss train in the game but not this one. It would be cool to see it in the game.

    Here are already some characteristics :

    Name : ETR 610 (Trenitalia) / RABE 503 (SBB CFF FFS)

    1st circulation : 2007

    Nickname : Astoro

    Manufacturers : Alstom

    Bogie spacing : 1435 mm (Standard)

    Contact line voltage : 3 000 kV CC / 15 000 kV 16.7 Hz/ 25 000 kV 50 hZ

    Engins : 8

    Pantographs : 6

    Continuous power : 5500 kW

    Traction effort : 225 kN

    acceleration : 0.48 m/s2

    Tare : 387 t

    Adhesive mass : 128 t

    Total length : 187. 40 m

    vehicle width : 2.83 m

    Total wheelbase : 176. 20 m

    Bogie wheelbase : 2.70 m

    Wheel diameter : Ø890

    109 seats in 1st class

    304 seats in 2nd class

    18 seats in the restaurant

    Total: 431 seats

    Maximum speed 250 km/h

    The ETR 610 consists of seven cars, including a dining car. The two extreme cars on each side are powered, one axle per bogie, the three central cars are not powered.

    The trains are equipped with ETCS Level 2. An upgrade to ETCS Baseline 3 is planned by December 2021 .

    For the photos, these can be viewed via the links above in order to avoid copyright problems.

    Information about the exact composition and possible missing information can also be found via the links above.

    I hope to see it one day in the game, it will allow to beautify the Swiss fleet in the game but also the Italian and Polish fleet via the delivered PKP and Trenitalia.

    I will remain available if necessary if there is a lack of information.

    Reference :

    Bonjour HansVader,

    Tout d'abord, merci d'avoir pris le temps d'expliquer la conversion du signal.

    Cependant, je ne peux pas convertir les mods. Le jeu plante à chaque fois. Étant de Suisse romande, je parle français, je ne parle pas très bien allemand et la traduction de google et d'autres sites est assez foirée.

    Pouvez-vous m'aider?

    Serait-il possible de convertir et de mettre le mod sur TPF. ne pas?

    Merci d'avance pour la réponse.

    Where ? I can't find him.

    I use a converter for vehicles. Is it the same one?

    The problem with TPF 1 signals is that you have to add one mod, then another, then a mod in another mod. What I'd like is that when you download the mod either on Steam or on TPF. net, it's to have direct access to the mod without having to make any modifications.

    Great job, though, I did notice one problem. When he's been driving for a while, when he changes pantographs, sometimes he doesn't have the pantograph up, so when he's driving at full speed no worries, you'd think he's changing voltage, but when he accelerates and he's without a pantograph up it feels a bit weird.

    Would it be possible to have the Swiss railway signals (Type L and N). If possible not like in TPF 1 where we had to modify one file and then another, add another mod in this one so that it works. In order to meet the criteria for mod requests, I explain again all the characteristics of the signals used in Switzerland.

    Type L signals are the older generation signals used by all Swiss railway companies.
    3 types of type L signals exist:

    - the main signal can be with the lights placed vertically ranging from 2 to 6 lights, it can also be rectangular in shape placed vertically with 2 columns of lights. See link below.
    - the advanced signal. As its name suggests, it indicates the image of the main signal to the driver if the main signal cannot be seen directly by the driver in order to anticipate the image of the signal. It is square in shape and has 2 columns of lights: 2 oranges and 2 to 3 greens. See link below.
    - the combined signal. As its name suggests, it makes it possible to indicate the images of a main signal respectively at its location as well as the next main signal image in the case of an advanced signal overhung by a main signal. See link below.

    Type N (digital) signals are the new generation signals, there are 2 types of signals:

    - the main signal is composed of 3 lights: green, orange and red, placed in triangular ways.
    - the advanced signal is composed only of green and orange. These two signals are often equipped with an LED panel, indicating the speed of the section after it or at the next signal for the advanced signal.

    For level crossings, those used in TPF 1 are doing very well, despite the fact that there is no sound.

    For further information on signals, the link to the website of the Swiss Confederation concerning railway signals is indicated below.

    Thanks in advance to the modders.

    link :…orschriften/fdv-2016.html (the file in question is called: R 300. 2 - Signale - A2016 (DOC, 7 MB, 26. 11. 2015))

    For the ETR 610, here are already some characteristics, the composition of the train and some pictures of it.

    Name : ETR 610 (FS) /RABE 503 (CFF)
    Nickname : Astoro
    Manufacturers : Alstorm
    Bogie spacing : 1435 mm (Standard)
    Contact line voltage : 3 000 / 15 000 / 25 000 V
    Pantographs : 6
    Continuous power : 5500 kW
    Tare : 387 t
    Adhesive mass : 128 t
    Total length : 187. 40 m
    Total wheelbase : 176. 20 m
    Bogie wheelbase : 2.70 m
    Wheel diameter : Ø890
    109 seats in 1st class
    304 seats in 2nd class
    18 seats in the restaurant
    Total: 431 seats
    Maximum speed 250 km/h

    The ETR 610 consists of seven cars, including a dining car. The two extreme cars on each side are powered, one axle per bogie, the three central cars are not powered.

    Edit by Yoshi: Removed attachments due to copyright reasons.


    Je sais mais c'est justement ce que je veux dire, celui que tu cites, c'est uniquement avec du matériel Français ou des maps de la France, etc...

    Peux être que les Belges, les Suisses et les autres aimerait quelque chose d'autre.

    N'y voie rien d'offensant mais nous, voisin francophone, aimerions aussi voir nos matériel roulant aussi. Je sais que concernant la Suisse, le parc roulant dans TPF est relativement grand mais rare sont les post francophone ou l'on peux apercevoir du matériels autre que français ou des mods à thème Français.

    Même si la communauté est petite, c'est pas une raison de limiter les autres qui aimerait rendre service.

    C'est pour cela que j'ai voulu créer ce forum.

    A plus.

    Chers ami(e)s francophones,

    Ici vous pourrez discuter de mod, de vos game ou de problèmes que vous rencontrer, poser des questions, mettre des Screenshots, et tout ça, sans avoir la barrière de la langue. Alors n'hésitez pas. ;)

    Bien entendu, il n'est pas uniquement réservé au partie française avec que du matériel français, vous pouvez poster n'importes lesquelles de vos screen de vos parties selon vos goûts. Que vous soyez Belge, Suisse, Français, Québécois et même Anglophone et germanophone.

    Ce forum est fait pour ça.

    Votre serviteur,

    YnotAlucard ;)