Beiträge von JohnFBray

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    I use firefox as my primary Internet browser but I switch to Google Chrome for this site. it automatically translates this site into English for me.

    2. There are scripts available for TPF2 to have Railroad Tycoon like missions. I've done a few myself on the hawk & badger website. But for TPF it was a manual and time consuming process.

    My primary is firefox as well, I will try using Chrome, that sounds like a solution.

    I will try both, i asked a similar question on steam forums, and was told that a campaign editor has been requested, and maybe in TPF3 or 4. So for now, i am really enjoying going after the achievements without any mods, but i have mixed emotions on that, I am a child of the PRR (Pennsylvania Rail Road), grew up riding the passenger trains on passes in their hay day. Would love to be able to use the skin mods that do not effect the game play and still get the achievements.

    Thank you.

    Hi John!

    I haven't played the scenarios myself, so I can't help You with that unfortunately.
    I haven't used German since school in the early 1990s apart from some holidays, so I too struggle to read sometimes.
    Fortunately there are two remedies for this, firstly You should set the language settings of the forum to English as Maik posted above if You haven't already done so, this will give You the forum information itself (headlines and so on), but the content in the threads will still be in German.
    Secondly I use Google who translates the content of the threads to decent English so that Your imagination can work the rest out.

    I tried this, and was having issues with security and need to relog all the time. Thank you though.

    1. Language I am American and have not used German since 1995, really struggling to understand what I am reading. Is there an easy way to view forum in English?

    2. I started playing Train Simulations with Railroad Tycoon 1, 2, and 3. I loved them, especially the Campaigns. I just finished all 3 Chapters of the TF2 campaigns and my biggest concern is not knowing the final objective in the TF2 campaigns, a lot of reworking and changing plans based on changing objectives. In Tycoon, for example the objective might be to connect cities in 3 areas, but you have to build a certain passenger revenue stream to open access to second area and maybe transport so many loads of cattle to access 3rd area. In TF2 this is similar to delivering certain items to the tunnel entrance in the Switzerland Campaign. My question is there a way to create a map and set long range goals at the very beginning, like delivering to the tunnel, then hauling 5 million passengers through it and growing an industry chain that used the tunnel? Or has anyone built standalone campaign like scenarios?

    I apologize if i have asked a redundant new person question, but in my defense I am new.

    Thank you.