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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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    It is necessary to delete the shadercache in the userdata directory!

    It is necessary to clear the shader cache in the userdata directory!

    Sorry I am new here, I just downloaded the 1.8 patch, and replaced the res folder & mod.lua within the NEP2 1.7 file. May I ask where I can find the userdata directory? Thank You

    May I ask whether we can set line destination function like this: after the bus has reached a specific stop set by users, the display can be automatically changed to another specific stop (also set by users), since I can only see 1 option in the setting the line destination? Thank you

    Thanks a lot! it is a great mod :)

    I think that this is the h0 bridge from steam, which I don't think is related to the common API, for the abutment, sorry I don't know…iledetails/?id=2030394734

    May I ask what does the 'line destination' panel do in common API? I tried to look into the previous threads, but cannot find anything stating what we can do with this function. Could someone please explain?

    Thank you very much!

    Please follow our forum rules and use the edit function, double posting isn't allowed!

    If you put it in the TpF2 install folder then it's the wrong place. It should be placed in the mods folder here : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[STEAM ID]\1066780\local\mods

    Oh thanks a lot :) I now have the button written as 'API' in the bottom left corner of the game. However, I still cannot see the panel on the top that used to allow me to adjust the settings of different mods. May I know how to enable the panel?

    Sorry for a dumb question. I have downloaded and extracted the zip file of this version, I have also put the file to the 'mods' file in TPF2. However, when I open the game, the CommonAPI panel did not show up on the top left corner, may I know how to solve this? Thank you :)…4071&searchtext=cb+assets…9382&searchtext=cb+assets…1200&searchtext=cb+assets

    These are the 3 mods (era A, B, C) made by AV (which are some very useful mods, personally ^^) from TPF2 vanilla buildings set that I would really love they can be converted from 'asset buildings' to 'town buildings' ie vehicles can spawn like that of AI buildings, without many crossroads (from street connections) present in one single road.

    Since these series of mods allow player to set the asset to be residential / commercial / industrial, and their corresponding capacity e.g. Residential 5 = residential building, with 5 people living. I think this is already quite similar to the AI buildings, so I would wonder whether the number of cars spawning from the asset buildings can have the same algorithm as that of AI vanilla buildings.

    Thank you very much^^

    OK I think I understand (I am using the CB_assets made by AV)

    If I understand correctly (sorry since I am using google translate), 'somehow connected directly to the street' for the buildings constructed by AI can never be impossible to be implemented into asset buildings? :/(since that's actually what I wanted for the 'mod request'?()

    I am so sorry that I am not a modder and have no knowledge of the lua scripts so I can't give any meaningful suggestions. : /

    Why I would like to bring up this thought is because:

    - Placing asset buildings for making towns seems to be a great means for constructing small towns / metropolitan cities and defining down-town / commercial / industrial areas (ie more realistic in terms of eg transportation)^^

    - Since the asset buildings that I have placed are unable to spawn vehicles, most of the people spawned seem to walk an immense distance to other distant cities to go shopping / working, which is very strange ...: /

    There are many mods for asset buildings in Steam available for players to place as they like to. This is great for constructing / decorating towns instead of just auto-generating them. (since the degree of manipulation is limited)^^

    However, those asset buildings can only spawn people, not vehicles like those auto-generated / vanilla buildings (core game buildings) do, which is quite strange for me personally as there are no single vehicles in a town.?(

    Therefore, I would like to request a mod for asset / ploppable buildings that can spawn vehicles and I think it will be a great help in constructing beautiful towns by players.

    Thank you very much in advance:)

    OK thank you all. This means that the reflection of buildings are a part of the 'default reflection' from TPF1, which cannot be fixed. And for the black window part (inability to see the structures inside the vehicle), it is a bug that only appears in my game? Since I found it very strange as a whole when all windows of the train are just black in color...

    Hello, When I tried to convert SOME trams / trains form LPF1, Their windows (in-game TPF2) Seems to gone all black and somehow some buildings are reflected from the black 'window' (Which I do not even have any buildings around) . The mod does have a transparent window, showing the internal structure according to the pictures shown in the tpf1 mod page. How can I fix this? Thanks!

    eg JR E233 (there are others, all have the same patter nof black window & reflecting buildings that are not in my game)

    Hello, I have unsubsribed the steam edition of the mod and downloaded the newest edition from this website. But when I transfer the files inside the file pack to 1947572332 folder in steam (previously steam ed. of commpn api 2), and open the game again, there is no common api 2 interface on the top left corner in the game. Also, in the mod list (in-game), I cannot find the common api 2. How can I fix this or it has been automatically activated? Also, How can I restore the my save games? It says there is no common api 2 installed so doesn't allow me to resume the game. Thanks!