Beiträge von corsemannie

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    The crash only happens with this particular savegame, so I'm guessing something has become corrupted in the file. I'm confused, because the 'specified file' that the system cannot find seems to be the one it's just written? It appears to be something to do with 'GetLastWriteTime'. Will I have to go back to the last 'full' version of the savegame that predates all of the later autosaves? Should I delete all later autosaves for this particular map?

    I've tried starting the last autosave and immediately saving it with a new version number, closing the game and restarting with that new save. However, while that savegame will start and play OK for a while, it still crashes at the next autosave with the same error message. I'm not actually losing any progress with the map because I can still start the crashed game and save it as a new version. But it's obviously much more time consuming loading all the mods each time than a quick autosave. I suppose I could turn off autosave for this particular game and then just hope that I can rescue all my progress when it eventually crashes when I try and manually save it.

    Can anyone help?


    Hello everyone.

    I can open and play a savegame and it will autosave once but will then crash when autosave kicks in a second time.

    I have attached the stdout file but the last few lines are as follows (NB 'Temp' in the file name is short for 'temperate'):


    __CRASHDB_CRASH__ struct file_system::FileSystemException: urban_games/train_fever/src/Lib/Util/io/filesystem_util.cpp:209: __int64 __cdecl file_system::GetLastWriteTime(const class file_system::Path &): Error loading file: boost::filesystem::last_write_time: The system cannot find the file specified: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/1157923605/1066780/local/save/autosave_9th Game - V Large Temp Part 78_2175-07-31.sav"

    Exception type: struct file_system::FileSystemException


    Error message: Error loading file: boost::filesystem::last_write_time: The system cannot find the file specified: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/1157923605/1066780/local/save/autosave_9th Game - V Large Temp Part 78_2175-07-31.sav"

    Key: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/1157923605/1066780/local/save/autosave_9th Game - V Large Temp Part 78_2175-07-31.sav

    Minidump: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata/1157923605/1066780/local/crash_dump/41220e36-a916-48ab-b285-c774743078ba.dmp

    UI Component Hierarchy:

    type: class UI::CGameUI, id = "", name = "CGameUI", styleClasses = {"top-gamebar-visible"}

    type: class UI::CMenuUI, id = "", name = "MenuUI", styleClasses = {}

    type: class UI::CComponent, id = "", name = "wrap", styleClasses = {"platform-desktop", "ui-classic", "input-mouse", "gamepad-type-xbox"}

    In file: urban_games/train_fever/src/Lib/Util/io/filesystem_util.cpp:209

    In function: __int64 __cdecl file_system::GetLastWriteTime(const class file_system::Path &)


    [EDIT] I've also attached the last few Windows Explorer entries, if this helps.

    Does anyone know what is causing this crash and how to solve it?

    Many thanks.



      (29,83 kB, 27 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
    • Explorer

      (61,25 kB, 23 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

    Hmmm…I think I spoke too soon. Although the placeholders have gone, I didn’t notice that one character isn’t walking or sitting properly - his arms and legs are held out straight and stiff. Is this still related to the Station Shops mod or is it a conflict with a different mod?

    The stdout.txt includes the following lines:

    ERROR: Model Group 'man01_spine' uses skinned mesh 'characters/era_c_man_03/body_lod0.msh' with an unskinned material 'characters/era_c_man_03/era_c_man_03_24633418.mtl'. This might lead to unexpected crashes or glitches.

    ERROR: Model Group 'man01_spine' uses skinned mesh 'characters/era_c_man_03/body_lod1.msh' with an unskinned material 'characters/era_c_man_03/era_c_man_03_24633418.mtl'. This might lead to unexpected crashes or glitches.

    ERROR: Model Group 'man01_spine' uses skinned mesh 'characters/era_c_man_03/body_lod2.msh' with an unskinned material 'characters/era_c_man_03/era_c_man_03_24633418.mtl'. This might lead to unexpected crashes or glitches.

    Is this relevant?

    I also searched my Workshop Mods folder and the only other instance of era_c_man_03 appears in the Scania 3 Series Trucks mod (2634545085). In that mod there is a folder (res\models\material\characters\bko_era_c_man_03) in which there are two files called bko_jeans_man_02.mtl and bko_jeans_man_05.mtl. The character seems to look like a “jeans man” so is this the conflict? Do I need to change the ‘type’ in those files, as before? Any help much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Perfect, thanks Yoshi! :)

    I rolled back to the earlier savegame where the Station Shops mod was still active and, with the suggested change made to that one file, the map now loads and plays without crashing and without placeholders.

    This is the first time I've had a problem with the game, so I really appreciate all your help in talking me through the file editing.

    Thanks again.

    No problem, Yoshi - thanks for coming back to me.

    In the file era_c_man_03_unskinned_24633418.mtl I replaced the line at the bottom of the file: type = "SKINNING_TEXTURED" with type = "PHYSICAL_NRML_MAP" and saved it but, unfortunately, I still have placeholders on the map.

    There are 4 other files in the era_c_man_03 folder in the mod:





    Do I need to change the "type" line in each of those files , too?

    Thanks for all your help.

    Yes, I would be happy to try that.

    The message at loading refers to the following models not being available and replaced by placeholders:




    Thank you, Yoshi.

    Disabling the Station Shops mod allows the game to load and play but one of the sim models has been replaced by a placeholder. There are now hundreds of cubes sliding around my map! Is there any way of getting this particular sim back or replacing it with another?


    Thank you for replying so quickly.

    I see that 4 mods have been updated since I was last able to load and play the game without it crashing. Only one of the mods is enabled in the game.

    Do I need to disable that mod or unsubscribe from it?

    Should I unsubscribe from the other 3 mods as well?


    Hello everyone,

    The game worked OK one day but crashed the next, without me knowingly making any changes to the MODS or settings etc. The game appears to load to 100%, fades to a black screen but then crashes to the desktop before showing the map. I have attached the stdout.txt and would be grateful if anyone could tell me what the problem is and how to solve it.

    Many thanks,




      (25,08 kB, 199 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )