Beiträge von BuckleUpBones

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    Last update, Update: 17 Jan, you've removed Silicon Mine, Silicon Refinery, and the Electronics Factory, the whole chain. You should restore this, it's a good chain.

    And make these changes.

    • A) Remove (or keep it too) steel demand from the Electronics Factory and replace it with (or add) silicon.
    • B) Add electronics as a demand in the Appliances Factory.

    This will expand the appliance chain, making it complex like the car chain.

    You say your goal is to bring as many industries as possible in one place, and for visual aspects, I say from a player point of view, it's the successfulness of completing complexly, that's the player goal here, like the car and appliance chains. It'll be quite a challenge bringing all those cargos together.

    PS, I still think all ore industry capacity needs to be scaled back to vanilla game.

    I've been trying to figure out how to play this mod. With 59 items to transport, bulk transport doesn't seem like the optimal gameplay strategy, as per vanilla game, however the opposite, i.e. multiple cargo transport gameplay or leaner amounts, seems to be the most likely strategy.

    If multiple cargo transport, then cities would be better suited for 6 cargo items, rather than 2, because 2 means bulk transport gameplay but with 6, as cities demands, that means multiple cargo items would flow into the city from multiple sourced industries, as per the mod huge variety.

    Now I'm looking at some of your ore industries, like milk, its max production is 1000, this seems to be a value better suited for bulk transport gameplay, rather than multiple cargo transport gameplay. Because, if you set your city to 2 cargos, then you would only need 1 dairy farm and 1 cheese factory, and half your city demand is meet. You wouldn't need many other cargos, you wouldn't need to use many of the mod's itemed variety.

    I think 1000 production defeats the purpose of multiple cargo transport gameplay. IMO, ore production should be limited to max of 400, second stage production as per game defaults. What this does is replace bulk transport with leaner amounts of multiple transported cargo, thus suiting the mod in general and distributing the cargo across a wider canvas.

    What do you think?

    8) One of the Separation Plant demands is wastewater but nothing produces wastewater. I don't know how perfect you want your mod, some of these items seems to be just lose ends, like wastewater, but still, something should produce wastewater if there's a demand for it.

    9) There's no demand for concrete.

    Hello there, here's some feedback...

    1) Cars don't show for city demand. Not even for Custom cargo option. There doesn't seem to be anywhere for cars to be supplied to.

    2) There's no demand for Silicon, nothing to ship it too. No mention of a Silicon Refinery in the mod description. Maybe Silicon was to be shipped to the Electronics Factory, but it doesn't have it as a demand, has steel instead?

    3) Rubber Plantation map icon differs to the icon shown in the industry selection tab.

    4) Basalt Quarry, there's no demand for Basalt too. Presumably, for suppling to some sort of construction industry. Nothing mention in the mod description.

    5) Also, we have 50 supply items for city commercial areas, but only 9 for industrial areas, can you balance this alittle, maybe at least 15-20 for industrial areas.

    6) When creating maps, the mod will run on very large and huge maps, but Megalomaniac will crash the game to desktop.

    Thanks very much for the mod, it's awesome.