The Railways of North London

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An overview of the lines entering London. We can see multiple stations here. At the very top left we see the Great Western's lines into London Paddington station. Below that; the Great Central's lines into London Marylebone station. Down from that; the Midland Railway's lines into London St Pancras station. To the right of there, the Midland's goods station in the Kentish Town area. Down from St Pancras; the Great Northern's lines into London King's Cross goods station, and the passenger station below that. Finally, the curved station at the bottom left; Bishopsgate goods terminal, linking to London Liverpool Street station. The whole view is between London and Luton, featuring Kentish Town, Camden, Chalk Farm, Farringdon and Hornsey.

Kommentare 2

  • impressive work, always found british railroad history interesting, Thanks to their old and strange competitive railroad "system" some rather unique things were build and happened over there.

    • Thanks! It has become a great passion of mine. Britain's railways just seem to have an aura of their own and it's hard to describe; something to do with mass-scale industrialism and competition. Bearing in mind that up until 1923 there were around 120 different railway companies competing. Then, in 1923 the government said enough was enough and condensed those companies into the 'big 4', namely; LNER, LMS, GWR & SR. A lot of the routes from those original companies are still in use, although buried behind walls of cables.

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