BB​Ö​​ 113.18 moving through the small town

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Kommentare 7

  • Absolutely brilliant, worth the effort I think!

  • well this is rly complicated process, guys.

    I used lots of techincal tricks here.
    Firstly i put absolutely default railway. Then i used an asset mod, sry cant remember the name, but its related with rail crossings (it adds traffic islands, curbs etc. Also it adds way crossing, which i used). So i took those crossings, gave them an asphalt texture and put them all along the street. Then i manually placed curbs, all of the strips and signs.
    Finished it all with a moe "Road pack", which also add an invisible road. So i put this invisible road on the road i made, polished it with "Bulldozer" mod and the work is done.
    Took around 1,5 hours and it doesnt function as i wish it to be, its more decorative.

    • Mod you used should be from JoeFrieds Modbox ;)

      Invisible streets are also available in JoeFrieds Modbox or in the track packet from TbyCoLive


      Used this mod for this purpose myself already ^^

    • Yes you are right. Its joefried's mod Road Pack
      Asphalt, crossings and strips are from JoeFrieds mod Bahnübergänge 1830-Heute / level crossing 1830-today

  • How did you make trains go in the middle of the street? :O Fantastic pic :)

  • How did you get the tracks into the middle of the street? It Looks so clean and can you Show the crosing ?

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