Reworked 600mm track.

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Kommentare 3

  • Deutsch

    Wird das ein richtiger Mod oder war das nur ein Test?

    Im Falle des Ersten würde ich mich mal daran machen, mein altes Parkbahnset zu überarbeiten...

    Sieht echt gut aus btw :)

    600mm Parkeisenbahnpaket (Freizeitpark)

    • @Feluno, Currently I am just working on getting it reworking for me. I will inquire with the author of the original mod pack to see if I can get permission to release the track as a stand alone though. I still want to get the texture issues solved and figure how to decrease the size of the "lumps" in the ballast as they are seen.

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    • @Feluno No word back from the original author. Steam shows him online, but doesn't reply. Here is where I got the mod pack. I still haven't figured out what controls the texture under the track. I have changed out the colors of the ballast, but it still shows lumpy, so working on figuring that out still as well. Have a bit of homework to get caught up, so I will hopefully revisit it on Sunday.

      Looks like I may have to go a different route, but, I am learning a little here so there is a plus to it.

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