Update Traction engine

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Just started to experiment,

the model with 2 waggons is working almost, this one with 4 waggons 1st trail.

errors with emmitors, looks like only works on "RAIL" vehicles.

Kommentare 3

  • Thanks for the help, was running the test in an old version, is working now.

    made the model now with roof as many have at foto's found google.

    made a 3 trailer version

  • What a scary machine. Does it have breaks? ;)  @doug is right. With the current Beta-Version (summer update) you can use the particlesystem also with busses, trucks, trams and airplanes (tested it with a bus and it works great).

  • The Summer Update allows emitters on other vehicles - at least I think it's supposed to.

    I have made some progress on a "Start in 1800" mod that might make this thing look right at home.

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