2M62U-282 with diesel train DDB1, in the hilly forests.

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Kommentare 5

  • How do you get your conifers to look so nice?

    Anytime I use conifers other than the UG Scots Pine, they have this horrible transparency issue that makes them half see-through, half pixeled.

    (see this post: Modanfrage: Nadelbäume)

    • Transparency is indeed an issue, especially at long distances. (Up close, in the screenshot, it's still more or less fine).

      To solve this problem:

      Personally, I just put opaque (standard) trees on the back so I can't see what's behind the transparent trees.

      Not sure if this helps 100%, but it's worth a try)

      Gefällt mir 1
    • Thank you! I guess I'll try that.

      The other option I thought of, was playing with the material settings in the hopes of improving the textures.

      Because I like the trees/models and I would love to use them, but they look so bad I just can't :'(

      Gefällt mir 1
  • realy nice!!!!

    Gefällt mir 1
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