Ditmas Avenue Station

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This is Ditmas Avenue Station; the third station on the Farmsworth Line.

It consists of two island platforms and two bypass tracks. The main entrance to the station is on Ditmas Avenue. Passengers may spot trains from the walkway that extends across the width of the station.

The Eastern end of the station is somewhat of an open cut, with the middle being completely covered by the stationhouse and the street above. Ditmas Avenue (The actual Street) spans over the entire station width in the form of an overpass. It is visible behind the flag.

The Western portion of the station has a roof that extends beyond the width of the street above and houses Electrical Equipment for the Subway. It is referred to as Control Point Ditmas (CP Ditmas).

Western portion is not visible in this picture.

[Diamond Shaped "A" Trains] utilize the express tracks in the center to bypass this local station.

This station is served by Passtow Pkwy Trains (Breda A650) at all times.

This station does not have elevator access .

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