Bilder von Vulgaris Magistralis

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


Die Registrierung und Nutzung ist selbstverständlich kostenlos.


Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • Early Morning at the new landing.

    Early Morning at the new landing.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 1
  • Early morning meeting at the new landing.

    Early morning meeting at the new landing.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 3
  • Signal Worker repairing an electrical fault as an empty freight train leaves town.

    Signal Worker repairing an electrical fault as an empty freight train leaves town.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 5
  • A normally sleepy timber yard up in the hills starting to awaken from its generations long slumber to sustainably harvest and manage the forests around it.

    A normally sleepy timber yard up in the hills starting to awaken from its generations long slumber to sustainably harvest and manage the forests around it.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 1
  • An empty yard with the exception of a freight train awaiting a special order of Timber bound for Vienna.

    An empty yard with the exception of a freight train awaiting a special order of Timber bound for Vienna.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 6
  • Tidy landscaping at Ziller.

    Tidy landscaping at Ziller.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 1
  • The un-named campground. Open to funny suggestions.

    The un-named campground. Open to funny suggestions.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 2
  • Tipper trucks waiting to be loaded with material near the top of the slide.

    Tipper trucks waiting to be loaded with material near the top of the slide.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 4
  • Tom is bringing two pallets of compost to the loading zone in preparation of an order being picked up later today.

    Tom is bringing two pallets of compost to the loading zone in preparation of an order being picked up later today.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 8
  • In the green house on the right, Jack and Diane talk to Ziller's botany experts about planning a flower display at there home.

    In the green house on the right, Jack and Diane talk to Ziller's botany experts about planning a flower display at there home.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 3
  • Whether you are looking for a new kenal, tractor, or concrete mixer, if it is used on a farm or to beautify your yard. Ziller is happy to meet your needs.

    Whether you are looking for a new kenal, tractor, or concrete mixer, if it is used on a farm or to beautify your yard. Ziller is happy to meet your needs.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 4
  • Binderholz as views from the neighboring field.

    Binderholz as views from the neighboring field.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 1
  • Museum patrons stopping for a quick bite to eat.

    Museum patrons stopping for a quick bite to eat.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 1
  • A new exhibit has been created thanks to the donation of a private collector.

    A new exhibit has been created thanks to the donation of a private collector.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 4
  • The commercial road transport exhibit keeps on growing.

    The commercial road transport exhibit keeps on growing.

    • Vulgaris Magistralis
    Gefällt mir 5