Problem when switching from one computer to another

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  • Hello.
    Im trying to play a savegame on my laptop, that i started on my desktop computer.
    As you can see, the mod manager on each computer calls the same mod different things. So when i swap it will not recognize the mods i use. Even though i have them installed. What can i do about this?

  • Different Versions? If not - did you try to reinstall the mods causing the problems?

    i7-5820 K | 32 GB | GTX 2070 Super 8 GB | Win 10 64bit | 10 TB HDDs
    i7-3770 K | 16 GB | GTX 1070 8 GB | Win 10 64bit | 4 TB HDDs

  • Made sure to update my TFMM. Mods are same version aswell. I downloaded them on my desktop computer, installed them and added them to a usb drive. From there i copied them onto my laptop and installed. And this happens.

  • This may be caused by a bug i noticed but didn't really take the time to investigate.

    I had this case recently, i installed the citaro pack available here using TFMM 1.0.170. I launched the game, added the mod and started playing. I then quit, add an unrelated mod in TFMM, and launch the game again, and get this result :

    Edit : forgot to specify that it work fine if you remove the mod from the save and activate the same mod with the different name.

  • The Folder names don't seam to be the same as on the other computer. If you have installed all the necessary mods, try to remove mods marked in red and add them again. You can also copy the folders of these mods from the old Computer to the new one.

    I tried reinstalling the mods, but gives me the same result. All versions are the exact same, but TFMM seems to rename the folders on one of the computers.
    I also tried copying the mods, which works fine. But if i open TFMM it renames the folder instantly.
