Custom Maps - Sizes / Kundenspezifische Karten - Größen

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  • I have been working on a custom map of Dunedin New Zealand where I live.
    I have just recently started again on a transport fever map. My Train fever map worked ok but now I'm looking forward to making a custom map with towns and industries placed in relevant positions.

    Anyways as I experimented my way to loading in a map I discovered the map sizes from the red messages that popped up telling me my map was too big.

    I couldn't find this info on any forum posts ...

    For those wanting to know here they are:

    Valid Map widths: (pixels)

    Maximum of 16,000,000. pixels

    E.g 2049 x 8193 =16,787,457 Too big.!!

    Ich habe an einer kundenspezifischen Karte von Dunedin Neuseeland gearbeitet, in dem ich lebe.

    Ich habe erst vor kurzem wieder auf einer Transportfieberkarte gestartet. Mein
    Zug Fieber Karte funktionierte ok, aber jetzt freue ich mich auf eine
    benutzerdefinierte Karte mit Städten und Branchen in relevanten
    Positionen platziert.

    Sowieso als ich
    meinen Weg zum Laden in einer Karte experimentierte, entdeckte ich die
    Kartengrößen von den roten Meldungen, die auftauchten und mir sagten,
    dass meine Karte zu groß war.

    Dieses Thema bei speichern

    Für diejenigen, die hier wissen wollen, sind:

    Gültige Kartenweiten: (Pixel)
    Maximal 16.000.000. Pixel

    Just so you can see what you should draw to.

  • hi there
    i am also making my custom map recently, and i think the 16M limitation is just ~16m, which means, 4097*4097 or 2049*8193 should do just fine.
    i have maps of size 2049*8193 running flawlessly on my machine, some of them from the workshop, and i've made my own map like 2049*8193.
    however i am not sure about 18M px maps.

    hope that helps!

    i have problem uploading to steam workshop though, cannot find proper button uploading, so if you finished your map and succeeds in doing so, please teach me how to do it!

  • Correct, the max size for maps are 16,7 Mpixels.
    Only the games "says" not larger then 16 Mpixels (without comma/decimal point)

    Absolut max. sizes are 4097 x 4097 or 2049 x 8193.

    Ich bin nur dafür verantwortlich was ich schreibe, nicht was andere verstehen "wollen"!

    System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit ; AMD Phenom II X4 965 @ 3,4 GHz ; 8 GB DDR3 Ram ; GeForce GTX 660 @ 3 GB GDDR5 Ram (Treiber: 431.36)

  • Hey this is good news to understand that 16.8 M px is the limit.
    My map is looking ok.
    I have industries and towns where i need them
    However I am using GIMP 2.8 to draw my greyscale map with.
    Some tips I am finding are:
    1. create two layers for rivers. One for teh river line and the second copy of the river lines. Blurr the copy so that rivers copy to give river banks a gentle slope.
    2. Don't create rivers on hill sides. Use a grey scale line for a lower elevation and blurr it. The gully formed willhave stone and brush in it but no water. It looks better.
    3. the minimum width of a river is 20 pixels if you want a boat to go down it.
    4 I use the map tool here to position towns and industries. Although the tool does not have an industry placement tool, you can place a town for the industry and edit it in the map.lua file from being a town to being an industry.

    I need help... my maps have terraces all over the slopes. I have used a gaussian Blurr filter in gimp but if I set the level of bluur too high it will dissolve the height and shape of the hills. Any ideas on how to smooth the slopes somewhat more naturally?
