Old Dutch Trains request

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  • I am very happy that users such as Spoorobjecten and Oppie (big fan of you, also loved your SimCity 4 work!) are already/have already built some nice models of dutch trains, and each of them look gorgeous.

    But since the train-fever game starts at 1850-1900-1950, could we see some old dutch trains modelled as well?

    I am talking especially about the old dutch locomotives (the cute 1100, the american 1200, the big 1300 and the unique 1500 series) with accompanying carriages (Plan W (a repaint of the Silberlinge by Grimes), Plan K, Plan N (the precursors of the ICRm))

    see also here: https://treinsamenstelling.wordpress.com/tag/ns-1500/

    Further dutch trains, such as the Blokkendoos, Mat '46 (and it's diesel cousin, the famous Blauwe Engel), Mat '54, also known as the Hondenkop (two and 4 carriage sets), each with many paint jobs to choose from, are some more ideas for modding.

    Of course, this is a lot of requests :saint: , but what I am trying to say is that old dutch trains are also very beautiful, and it would be great if we see some of the old trains in Train-Fever for us nostalgia people.

    Thank you modders! :thumbsup:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Yavianice ()
