Ask for help: Problems encountered when making train depot MODs

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  • Currently I‘m making EMU depot MOD for TPF2, with 4 routes for buy/sell trains and 3 ordinary tracks. . .

    But testing the MOD in the game, I found that the 4 depot icons all overlapped. . . And the icon is on the right side of the depot. . .

    How should I solve this kind of problem????:|

    In addition: Is it possible to integrate the depot + station? ? ? I tried it, and it seemed that the game crashed.:/


    By comparing with the game’s own depot ICON, you can see that 4 ICONs are superimposed on each other. . .


  • I just finally solved the problem. . .

    when the .con file calls each depot MDL file, it is necessary to independently set the corresponding X, Y, and Z positions in the MDL file.

    I originally thought that I only needed to set the X, Y, and Z positions of the track. It seems not feasible. . . .

    Now the MOD test is all OK.:D

    The display position of the ICON icon of the depot needs to be set in boundingInfo, and the setting of track X, Y, Z has nothing to do with the display position of the ICON. . This is my negligence.^^

