synchronize two (or more) animations

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  • Is there any trick to use to get two different objects with different animations to start at the same time?

    I see that there is a difference of several 100 ms between the objects' movements when I try to start them at the same time.

    In my example, I use "forever" on two objects and they are started up after they are loaded, which means that the other will start later and that delay time does not seem to be constant. Both objects are in the same mod (vehicle).

  • I found the root cause. This was due to the fact that Blender had a setting that made animations accelerate at the start. TpF does not have this function, which made me experience a difference. When one of the animations was adjusted in the time scale, this was done in the non-linear acceleration phase with the result that my changes were not perceived to follow my own calculation. Blender has now been adjusted to Linear Extrapolation in the animation editor.

    Problem solved
