Looking for metal stairs asset

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  • Hello,
    Does anybody know an asset containing metal stairs? I think I've checked nearly everything I know without good result. NL overpass addon would be acceptable even not bein 100% metal but it is too massive. Dablin assets pack contains metal stairs (bridge) which would be nice for different constructions but... stairs are without one handrail there... 100% concrete stairs are extremely massive.
    Please help me finding something I may miss.

  • There are metal stairs in the train depot, but you would have to open them in Blender, remove the rest and make your own mesh + model + asset on your own.

    This is too difficult for me :(
    I can edit some mods changing textures if possible but blender... Tried to export mesh files in obj once, opened in blender and understood that I can do nothing with it :)

  • lollus, I wanna thank you for your motivation!
    After about 1hr of brave attempts to understand the way Blender works I managed to make metal stairs from Dablin mod asset and even added missed handrails.
    I'm happy :)
    Thank you very much.
