International-Port for Bulk-Cargo

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Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • According to the current MOD making and release plan of my UEP2 series, I plan to complete and release the airship station/hospital/fire station mod before October. In November-December it is the ferry terminal / SWAT / police station MOD.

    At the same time, in the next month, I need to take the time to optimize the modules and upgrade the functions of the International Port MOD.

    The Coal Bulk Dock mod is in the mod plan for UEP2, but it won't be made any time soon.

    After all, my personal energy is limited and everything is made in my spare time. Let's go step by step.

  • hugedragonyk : Thanks for your reply. I fully understand your point of view and i will wait until it is happend! However, maybe a other Modder will pick up my idea and create a Mod as i had explained. Of course not on base of your Mod's but on there own ideas.

    best regards and have a good day!
