Beiträge von Gordon Dry

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    I "respect" everybody as long as they don't make it impossible for me to continue doing so ("respect-giver"). In opposition to those people who want to get "respect" by nature ("respect-demander").

    But I don't like people who first yell at people with other opinions before starting to be what they claim to be - and for some weird reason that is that they are mostly the self-esteemed "liberals".

    Remi Gio

    Well, first you failed in properly interpreting or let's call it deciphering. You want to see me sitting in a bad corner. Too much of a hassle.

    The "flies" have nothing to do with "respect". That's your interpretation.

    btw "respect" means "look again" or "look again and again and ..." - this means respecting someone does not mean "thinking that person is nice to be with", it means "that person was watched and is known".

    But that is something we all have to deal with - many words lost their real meaning over the eons. Euphemisms and misinterpretation are the norm.

    Remi Gio

    What is my point? Does it matter? Well...

    The dream of many transhumansists is that we all are the same, be the same and look the same. So we also think the same and feel the same. We all have the same way of talking and way of interpreting. The one-world-government citizen.

    I reject that.

    I do not adapt to a "trendy globalized" way of how to talk. And I also do not adapt to be on the same level as the weakest piece of chain of compromises.

    Somebody says "this is the new normal" - I say "well, have fun with that and obey as much as you want".

    Or as those famous and wise words say: "1 billion flies cannot be in error - let's all eat shit."

    I try to move the focus or the point of view to a slightly different angle. Germans are not all "strict and following all rules" *, it's more like many americans complain that germans are more direct in their talking and not putting every sentence they say in a wrap of cotton-wool and in a roundabout way and even around the bush. ?( They say what they think and the other party is socially conditioned by the own culture/family/society that people have to use 1000 smooth words instead of 20 harsh words to say the same thing... well.

    Then the political correctness snowflake culture plays a big role.

    On the one hand people are different. They're individuals. Not everybody fits to everybody. Not everybody likes one another. We're not all the same. Some people claim that, but are we all wearing the same uniform and obeying the same big brother? Not yet. Well. Some kind of.

    One the other hand there are social-cultural conditions that play a role.

    Often the interpretation of the slightest sarcasm is like not taking every word with a pinch of salt.

    And of course the mood - let it be the day's, the week's or the year's general mood - plays a role.

    * but yeah, the "deutscher Michel" is a common stereotype and it fits to many, but not to all of us. As not every woman with green hair and nose ring is dumb. But many women with green hair and nose ring learn that a lot of them are dumb, so they stop coloring their hair to green and stop wearing nose rings. Well...

    Vor allem wenn man dann doch an einer Stelle einen haben will.

    Es wäre schön, wenn die Modding API es zulassen würde, wie bei C:SL einen Node anzuklicken und zack, Zebrastreifen weg. Klick und zack, wieder da.

    Momentan ist die Lösung "alles oder nichts".

    Das Mod ließe sich noch optimieren, indem es ein Skript wäre und kein Ressourcenüberschreiber. Noch optimierter wäre es, wenn in den Modoptionen (auch vor dem Laden des Spiels) die Straßentypen ausgewählt werden könnten, bei denen das Mod die "Zebrastreifen" entfernen soll.

    Das wäre aber trotz des Aufwandes immer noch ein Kompromiss und keine echte Lösung. Da wären wir wieder bei der Methode von C:SL.

    * C:SL bedeutet "Cities: Skylines".

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