Supersaming icons

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  • Way to use super samping for UI

    Tpf2 support supersamping ui elements

    The way to use them is just add @2x after the original filename and the game will automatically do the work:

    res/ui/some_icon.tga -> res/ui/[email protected]

    and keep using res/ui/some_icon.tga in the script



  • Thanks for sharing the information. Can u maybe give us some information, why we need supersampling ui elements.

    What are they for? What are the benefits of using supersampling?

    • You will see the benefit if you are using 2K or 4K monitor

      Gefällt mir 1
    • Thanks for the information. I was not aware of that.

    • It's for modders, if he wants his mod looks as crisp as vanillia icons.

      Gefällt mir 1