Demolition of rails
Each of us has built before and had to tear off his track again. Very often it is quite a long rail, which can come very expensive.
Basicly there are 2 quite similar ways to do this.
1st way is to use signals. If you want to tear only a part of the track that you build before, you just got to place signals between prior the part of rails that you want to tear.
[Blocked Image:]
[Blocked Image: http://hochglanzverchromungen.…ver/tutorial/1signals.jpg]
2nd way is almost the same. But instead of using signals you also can create a railway crossing prior the part of rails that you want to tear.
[Blocked Image:]
[Blocked Image: http://hochglanzverchromungen.…r/tutorial/1crossings.jpg]
Level crossing
Almost everyone has the problem that roads are in the way. The game then creates automaticly a railroad crossing. Please be aware that you only can place rails on roads. Conversely isn't possible yet.
(Basic original version of this General information was translated from German post that was created by User Napoleon ( Abriss von Schienen und Bahnübergängen )