TFMM - Train Fever Mod Manager (1)

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We wish you a lot of fun and hope for active participation.

The Team of the Transport-Fever Community

  • All you need to know about TFMM - for users and modders.

    [Blocked Image:] Die deutsche Version gibt es hier

    [Blocked Image:] Development on Train Fever Mod Manager (TFMM) started during the beta phase of Train Fever. At that time, the main objective was to create a fast and efficient way to handle modifications. Modifications should be activated and deactivated easily to test their features and remove them from the game if necessary. TFMM combines easy handling with functionality.

    Since its release, TFMM spread rapidly and is the most popular tool on, with over 10,000 downloads. Even though TFMM can be handled without prior orientation, this lexicon entry will provide all background information.

    1 Usage

    In this section, the usage of TFMM for all gamers will be explained. It will cover the installation of TFMM as well as the manipulation of the game with modifications through TFMM.

    1.1 Download & Installation

    The most recent and stable version is always available in the download database at Download the latest version and extract the files to a directory of your choice. Start TFMM by double clicking on the executable. For TFMM to be able to open .rar files when running Windows, unrar.dll has to be present.

    1.2 The First Start

    When first starting TFMM, the settings window will pop up. The path to Train Fever's installation directory can be defined here. TFMM will automatically search for this path, and if it's not correct, you can change it manually. The program will tell you if the path is valid or not. If Train Fever is installed in a protected directory, administrative privileges may be required. You can start TFMM with administrator privileges by right clicking on the executable and selecting "start as administrator". After clicking "Save", the settings window will close and TFMM is ready to operate.

    1.3 The Main Window

    The main window is the central area for managing modifications in Train Fever.

    • In the center, all available modifications are displayed. The list can be sorted by name, author, category and version. After restarting TFMM, the list will always be sorted by the installation date.
    • On the right, the modification management is located. All selected modifications can be activated (enable mod in game), deactivated (remove mod from game), and uninstalled (remove mod from game and from list). Below the management, there is a button to display more information about a selected modification.
    • At the bottom, you can add new modifications to the game (Add New Mod), open up the download section at (Download Mods), and launch Train Fever through Steam (Start Train Fever). On the right, TFMM version information is displayed.
    • At the top, the application menu hosts the following entries:
      • File
        • Settings (Ctrl + S) - open TFMM settings dialog
        • Close (Alt + F4) - exit TFMM
      • Mods
        • Add Modification (Ctrl + O) - add new modification to the game
        • Export Mod List
          • Export List of Activated Mods (Ctrl + E) - export a list of all activated mod as TXT or HTML
          • Export List of All Mods (Alt + E) - export a list of all mods in the list as TXT or HTML
      • About
        • Homepage (SCtrl + H) - open TFMM Homepage
        • Update (Ctrl + U) - check for new version of TFMM
        • License (Ctrl + L) - show versions- and license information

    1.4 Add New Modifications

    In order to add new modifications to Train Fever, all .zip and .rar (only Windows) packed mods can be dragged onto the TFMM main window. Alternatively, modification files can be selected via the menu, the button on the bottom left of the main window, or by pressing Ctrl + O. Added modifications are activated automatically and can be used in Train Fever right away.

    1.5 Activate and Deactivate Modifications

    As soon as one or more modifications are added to the TFMM list, these can easily be activated and deactivated in the game. It is also possible to select multiple modifications at once. Active modifications are labeled with [Blocked Image:] while deactivated modifications are labeled with [Blocked Image:]. All selected modifications can be activated, deactivated and uninstalled via the management buttons on the right. When uninstalling an active modification, the mod will be deactivated first.

    1.6 Informations

    If a single modification is selected, information about it can be displayed (Mod Information). The preview.png image from the mod will also be displayed in the main window if it exists.

    1.7 Errors and Conflicts

    In case of conflicts between modifications or errors during program execution, TFMM will try to provide the best possible help. In case of unsolvable problems or questions, help can always be found in this forum.

    2 Modders

    In this section, all information for modders will be presented.

    2.1 Format

    TFMM for Windows can read .zip, .rar and .rar5.
    TFMM for Linux can only open .zip files.

    2.2 Directories

    For a modification to be accepted by TFMM, it is mandatory to include a "res" folder. All files inside this "res" folder will be handled as modification files and copied to the original Train Fever "res" folder.

    2.3 TFMM.ini

    You can add additional information about a modification if you include a TFMM.ini file. This file has to be added to the root of the mod package.
    A overview of possible entries in this file is appended:

    • arbitrary name of modification
    • For compatibility reasons, two mods should never have the same name but for the same mod in different versions
    versionInteger [.Integer]*
    • arbitrary version information
    • integer numbers, optionally separated by full stops.
    authorString [, String]*
    • names of author(s), multiple authors separated by comma
    • in case of repaints or other "modified modifications": new author always appends itself to the end of the list
    idString [.String]+
    • arbitrary identification string of modification
    • different versions of the same modification have to have the same id
    • if not defined, will be generated as ""
    • at least 2 fields of strings separated by full stops, lower case only, a-z0-9 only
    • A list of valid categories can be found below
    • group for links and online IDs
    • download entry id if known
    tfnet_author_idInteger [, Integer]*
    • authors' IDs on
    • integer separated by comma
    • same order as in "author" list
    • group for dependencies between mods
    • all mandatory mods can be listed in this group
    • key = ID of required mod
    • value = version of required mod, empty or "any" for arbitrary version

    2.3.1 Valid Categories

    vehicleVehicles (general)
    vehicle/trainTrains (general)
    vehicle/train/dieselDiesel Engines
    vehicle/train/electricElectric Locomotive
    vehicle/wagonWagons (general)
    vehicle/wagon/passengerPassenger Wagons
    vehicle/wagon/goodsGoods Wagons
    buildingBuildings (general)
    building/stationTrain Stations
    building/townTown Buildings
    building/signalSignals & Waypoints
    otherOther Modifications

    2.3.2 Examples for TFMM.ini

    Exemplary TFMM.ini for the "TFMM":

    id = xanos.tfmm
    name = TFMM
    version = 0.5
    author = Xanos
    category = tool
    tfnet_author_id = 18122
    tfnet_mod_id = 5

    Exemplary TFMM.ini for a fictitious Modification:

    id = author2.author1.firstbus
    name = Our First Bus
    version = 0.0.1
    author = author1, author2
    category = vehicle/bus
    tfnet_mod_id = 999
    tfnet_author_id = 1, 2
    other_mod = any

    2.4 Preview Image

    TFMM can display a preview images for mods. Modders can add a "preview.png" to their modification. All images are automatically scaled and displayed in a 16:9 frame.

    3 Imprint

    TFMM is developed and maintained by Xanos / Alexander Nähring.
    In case of questions or problems, use this forum for contact. Alternatively, write me a PN or email.
