Kürzel | Englischer Ländername | Deutscher Ländername |
AD | Andorra | Andorra |
AE | United Arab Emirates | Vereinigte Arabische Emirate |
AF | Afghanistan | Afghanistan |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | Antigua und Barbuda |
AI | Anguilla | Anguilla |
AL | Albania | Albanien |
AM | Armenia | Armenien |
AN | Netherlands Antilles | Niederländische Antillen |
AO | Angola | Angola |
AQ | Antarctica | Antarktis |
AR | Argentina | Argentinien |
AS | American Samoa | Amerikanisch-Samoa |
AT | Austria | Österreich |
AU | Australia | Australien |
AW | Aruba | Aruba |
AZ | Azerbaidjan | Aserbaidschan |
BA | Bosnia-Herzegovina | Bosnien - Herzegowina |
BB | Barbados | Barbados |
BD | Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
BE | Belgium | Belgien |
BF | Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
BG | Bulgaria | Bulgarien |
BH | Bahrain | Bahrain |
BI | Burundi | Burundi |
BJ | Benin | Benin |
BM | Bermuda | Bermuda |
BN | Brunei Darussalam | Brunei |
BO | Bolivia | Bolivien |
BR | Brazil | Brasilien |
BS | Bahamas | Bahamas |
BT | Bhutan | Bhutan |
BV | Bouvet Island | Bouvetinsel |
BW | Botswana | Botswana |
BY | Belarus | Weißrussland |
BZ | Belize | Belize |
CA | Canada | Kanada |
CC | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Kokosinseln |
CF | Central African Republic | Republik Zentralafrika |
CG | Congo | Kongo |
CH | Switzerland | Schweiz |
CI | Ivory Coast (Cote D'Ivoire) | Elfenbeinküste |
CK | Cook Islands | Cook Inseln |
CL | Chile | Chile |
CM | Cameroon | Kamerun |
CN | China | China |
CO | Colombia | Kolumbien |
CR | Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
CU | Cuba | Kuba |
CV | Cape Verde | Cape Verde |
CX | Christmas Island | Weihnachtsinsel |
CY | Cyprus | Zypern |
CZ | Czech Republic | Tschechische Republik |
DE | Germany | Deutschland |
DJ | Djibouti | Djibouti |
DK | Denmark | Dänemark |
DM | Commonwealth of Dominica | Dominica |
DO | Dominican Republic | Dominikanische Republik |
DZ | Algeria | Algerien |
EC | Ecuador | Ecuador |
EE | Estonia | Estland |
EG | Egypt | Ägypten |
EH | Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic | Demokratische Arabische Republik Sahara |
ES | Spain | Spanien |
ET | Ethiopia | Äthiopien |
FI | Finland | Finnland |
FJ | Fiji | Fitschiinseln |
FK | Falkland Islands | Falkland Insel |
FM | Micronesia | Micronesien |
FO | Faroe Islands | Faröer Inseln |
FR | France | Frankreich |
FX | Metropolitan France | France métropolitaine |
GA | Gabon | Gabun |
GD | Grenada | Grenada |
GE | Georgia | Georgien |
GF | French Guyana | Französisch Guyana |
GH | Ghana | Ghana |
GI | Gibraltar | Gibraltar |
GL | Greenland | Grönland |
GM | Gambia | Gambia |
GN | Guinea | Guinea |
GP | Guadeloupe (French) | Guadeloupe |
GQ | Equatorial Guinea | Äquartiorial Guinea |
GR | Greece | Griechenland |
GS | South Georgia & South Sandwich Isls. | Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln |
GT | Guatemala | Guatemala |
GU | Guam (USA) | Guam |
GW | Guinea Bissau | Guinea Bissau |
GY | Guyana | Guyana |
HK | Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
HM | Heard and McDonald Islands | Heard und McDonaldinseln |
HN | Honduras | Honduras |
HR | Croatia | Kroatien |
HT | Haiti | Haiti |
HU | Hungary | Ungarn |
ID | Indonesia | Indonesien |
IE | Ireland | Irland |
IL | Israel | Israel |
IN | India | Indien |
IO | British Indian Ocean Territory | Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean |
IQ | Iraq | Irak |
IR | Iran | Iran |
IS | Iceland | Island |
IT | Italy | Italien |
JM | Jamaica | Jamaica |
JO | Jordan | Jordanien |
JP | Japan | Japan |
KE | Kenya | Kenia |
KG | Kyrgyzstan | Kirgistan |
KH | Cambodia | Kambodscha |
KI | Republic of Kiribati | Kiribati |
KM | Comoros | Komoren |
KN | Saint Kitts & Nevis Anguilla | St. Kitts und Nevis |
KP | North Korea | Nord Korea |
KR | South Korea | Süd Korea |
KW | Kuwait | Kuwait |
KY | Cayman Islands | Cayman Inseln |
KZ | Kazakhstan | Kasachstan |
LA | Laos | Laos |
LB | Lebanon | Libanon |
LC | Saint Lucia | Saint Lucia |
LI | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
LK | Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
LR | Liberia | Liberia |
LS | Lesotho | Lesotho |
LT | Lithuania | Litauen |
LU | Luxembourg | Luxemburg |
LV | Latvia | Lettland |
LY | Libya | Libyen |
MA | Morocco | Marokko |
MC | Monaco | Monaco |
MD | Moldavia | Moldawien |
MG | Madagascar | Madagaskar |
MH | Marshall Islands | Marshall Inseln |
MK | Macedonia | Mazedonien |
ML | Mali | Mali |
MM | Myanmar | Myanmar |
MN | Mongolia | Mongolei |
MO | Macau | Macao |
MP | Northern Mariana Islands | Nördliche Marianen |
MQ | Martinique | Martinique |
MR | Mauritania | Mauretanien |
MS | Montserrat | Montserrat |
MT | Malta | Malta |
MU | Mauritius | Mauritius |
MV | Maldives | Malediven |
MW | Malawi | Malawi |
MX | Mexico | Mexiko |
MY | Malaysia | Malaysia |
MZ | Mozambique | Mozambique |
NA | Namibia | Namibia |
NC | New Caledonia (French) | Neu Kaledonien |
NE | Niger | Niger |
NF | Norfolk Island | Norfolkinsel |
NG | Nigeria | Nigeria |
NI | Nicaragua | Nicaragua |
NL | Netherlands | Niederlande |
NO | Norway | Norwegen |
NP | Nepal | Nepal |
NR | Nauru | Nauru |
NU | Niue | Niue |
NZ | New Zealand | Neuseeland |
OM | Oman | Oman |
PA | Panama | Panama |
PE | Peru | Peru |
PF | Polynesia (French) | Polinesien |
PG | Papua New Guinea | Papua Neu Guinena |
PH | Philippines | Philippinen |
PK | Pakistan | Pakistan |
PL | Poland | Polen |
PM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Saint-Pierre und Miquelon |
PN | Pitcairn Islands Group | Pitcairn |
PR | Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico |
PT | Portugal | Portugal |
PW | Palau | Palau |
PY | Paraguay | Paraguay |
QA | Qatar | Katar |
RE | Reunion (French) | Reunion |
RO | Romania | Rumänien |
RU | Russian Federation | Russland |
RW | Rwanda | Rwanda |
SA | Saudi Arabia | Saui Arabien |
SB | Solomon Islands | Salomonen |
SC | Seychelles | Seychellen |
SD | Sudan | Sudan |
SE | Sweden | Schweden |
SG | Singapore | Singapur |
SH | Saint Helena | St. Helena |
SI | Slovenia | Slowenien |
SJ | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | Svalbard und Jan Mayen |
SK | Slovak Republic | Slowakei |
SL | Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone |
SM | San Marino | San Marino |
SN | Senegal | Senegal |
SO | Somalia | Somalia |
SR | Suriname | Suriname |
ST | São Tomé and Príncipe | São Tomé und Príncipe |
SV | El Salvador | El Salvador |
SY | Syria | Syrien |
SZ | Swaziland | Swasiland |
TC | Turks and Caicos Islands | Turks- und Caicosinseln |
TD | Chad | Tschad |
TF | French Southern Territories | Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete |
TG | Togo | Togo |
TH | Thailand | Thailand |
TJ | Tadjikistan | Tadschikistan |
TK | Tokelau | Tokelau |
TM | Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan |
TN | Tunisia | Tunesien |
TO | Tonga | Tonga |
TP | East Timor | Osttimor |
TR | Turkey | Türkei |
TT | Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad und Tobago |
TV | Tuvalu | Tuvalu |
TW | Taiwan | Taiwan |
TZ | Tanzania | Tansania |
UA | Ukraine | Ukraine |
UG | Uganda | Uganda |
UK | United Kingdom | Vereinigtes Königreich |
UM | USA Minor Outlying Islands | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
US | United States of America | Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika |
UY | Uruguay | Uruguay |
UZ | Uzbekistan | Usbekistan |
VA | Vatican City State | Vatikan Staat |
VC | Saint Vincent & Grenadines | St. Vincent und den Grenadinen |
VE | Venezuela | Venezuela |
VG | Virgin Islands (British) | Jungfraueninseln (GB) |
VI | Virgin Islands (USA) | Jungfraueninseln (USA) |
VN | Vietnam | Vietnam |
VU | Vanuatu | Vanuatu |
WF | Wallis and Futuna Islands | Wallis und Futuna |
WS | Samoa | Samoa |
YE | Yemen | Jemen |
YT | Mayotte | Mayotte |
YU | Yugoslavia | (Rest-) Jugoslawien |
ZA | South Africa | Südafrika |
ZM | Zambia | Sambia |
ZR | Zaire | Zaire |
ZW | Zimbabwe | Simbabwe |
Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community
Welcome to the fan community of Transport Fever and Train Fever, the economic simulators of Urban Games. The community is free for you to share and inform yourself about the game. We cultivate a friendly and objective interaction with each other and our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Registration and use is of course free for you.
We wish you a lot of fun and hope for active participation.
The Team of the Transport-Fever Community