What is correct format for my mod.lua...please!

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  • Hey...

    I wanted to convert my "Wisconsin City and Town Names with Madison City Street Names" mod to work with TPF2.

    I have looked at the mod.lua configurations in all of those in the current TPF2 names mod download offerings...authored by others...and I see all are different.

    Can someone help me please?

    My main zip of my mod is "Wisconsin_towns_and_Madison_streets_2.zip"
    It contains a folder "Wisconsin_towns_and_Madison_streets_2"
    that contains:

    1. a folder "res", which holds a folder "config", which holds a folder "name2", which has a folder "usa", which has a folder "en", which contain the "persons.lua", "streets.lua", and the "towns.lua" files, which I am assuming are correct, as they are the same as which worked in my TPF version of this mod.

    2. a file "image_00.tga" which is my mod image of the Wisconsin Flag.

    3. a file "preview.jpg" which is also my mod image.

    4. a file "workshop_preview.jpg" which is also my mod image.

    5. a file "mod.lua" which contains this:

    function data()
    return {
    info = {
    minorVersion = 2,
    severityAdd = "NONE",
    severityRemove = "NONE",
    name = _("my_name"),
    description = _("my_description"),
    tags = { "wisconsin", "usa", "streets", "towns", "cities", "madison" },
    minGameVersion = 0,
    dependencies = { },
    tfnetId = 21546,
    authors = {
    name = "Heinekn",
    role = "CREATOR",
    tfnetId = 21546,
    steamProfile = "76561198007101301",

    6. and finally another file "strings.lua" which contains this:

    function data()
    return {
    en = {
    my_description = "Wisconsin cities and town names with city of Madison street names.",
    my_name = "Wisconsin Cities and Town names with City of Madison street names",

    So...can someone point me to my error(s) please?
    Thanks...much appreciated!

    And Merry Christmas to everyone from Wisconsin!

  • I made the change to the save format and everything seems working well.

    I am still having problems with the occasional CTD when zooming in-game, but had that issue before. Hopefully they will fix that issue.

    Anyway...everything appears working with the names. I will be posting it on the website here...and will also post it on the Steam Workshop...once I figure out how to do that...smiles.

    Thanks for your help.

    Attached is the corrected zip...

