How do I change the airport size for airplanes?

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  • I tried to use a mod from Steam Workshop that would change the size that some airplanes can use.
    However after subscribing to the mod only the cargoversions of those planes changed airportsize.

    This got me curious, so I decided to look into the modelfiles and see if I could change the size of airport usable just by replacing the line with the size from big to small.
    Unfortunately this didn't work since the planes still show large airports in the game despite my change of phrase in the modelfile, so is there anything else I need to look at to change this?

  • In case it helps anybody else I found out that there is a conflicting mod which changes the capacity of the all passenger airplanes.
    The two mods are not compatible since the mod that changes the capacity also makes it impossible to change airport size for them as long as the mod is activated even if You change that line in the vanilla files.
    As soon as I deactivated the capacity mod I could change the airport size as desired by changing the size line in the model file.
