[How TO] Switch Rail Lines

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  • How to Switch Rail Lines

    This is something I stumbled on when upgrading a train station that I think would be useful to others. I have 3 lines going to one station at the Steelmill and they all go into one track before and after the station.

    When running track to the station, I wanted the red line on the inside of the curve and found a way to do it. The images below shows what I did and how the red line moved over.

    The first image shows how the 3 lines are run.

    First I found a spot that had 3 short pieces next to each other. I found them close to a junction.

    I started on the inside and deleted the 2 inner pieces.

    Then all 3 lines moved to the outer track.

    Next I rebuilt the pieces and the red line moved to the inside of the curve where I wanted it.

    This didn't work the first time I tried it and I had to do it more than once to get what I wanted but it works. So if it doesn't work the first time for you, you just have to try more than once and delete the track from the other side or the middle until they move where you want them.

    I hope it comes in handy for other as well.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tattoo ()
