Industry with multiple cargo inputs not working correctly

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  • Dear all,

    I noticed that the industry production rates do not always add up correctly. In the lua script it is possible to specify how multiple inputs should behave. For instance with coal and iron it is specified as: {1,1}, which means that coal AND iron produce a steel output

    When an OR function is specified: for instance {1,0},{0,1}, then the production does not add up. Normally you expect that either with one iron_ore or one coal a unit of steel is produced. But that does not work. When delivering 100 coal and 100 iron_ore, the plant does not produce 200 steel, but much less.

    There is something wrong with the OR logic in all industrial plants and with multiple inputs? Can anyone confirm? Am I doing it wrong? Is there maybe a patch announced? Do the developers know about this problem?

    Best regards,
