Sound set, needing some help

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  • Hello

    I am working for a sound set on my last vehicles.

    This locomotive uses to play 5 "pneumatic" sounds at the very start. Once it starts moving, it should play 5 sounds (stac stac stac stac stac -- this is it ^^ ). And this is the first question:

    - How can I do it? I am actually using input.speed01 but if the locomotive has no wagons, you won't hear those sounds cause of the brutal acceleration. Any other idea to solve this?

    Most of the locomotives I worked on, don't have electrical braking. That means that, in RL, you won't hear the engines decelerating. As far as I saw, with input.power01 it should be ok, as you would hear the sound of the engines during the acceleration and won't hear anything during braking. So the question:

    - Why, if I put input.power01, it looks like the sound-curve is stretched very fast? The entire sounds is concentrated at start, leaving silence during the rest of the acceleration curve.

    It's a mix of 4 sounds and, with speed01 function, it works... but, with power01, it looks like everything is fastened.

    Thank you in advance if you will answer :thumbup:
