The hard life of a modder

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  • It is ironic, but since I'm a modder, I have played 0 minutes on Train Fever... It is a big sacrifice what modders do and a dilemma: To play the game, or to improve the game? ;(

    Edited in order to avoid missunderstoods (Google translate is not perfect :( )

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von kaminari ()

  • Hi. I'm assuming this has been put through (Google) Translate. I'm very pleased to see that so many non-german speaking people are active here. But this is a personal request. Please don't do that. There are many members here that can write in English and I promise, there will be answers to any english post. It's great that you all try to participate more by trying to read german posts through translators. But please, if you don't speak german, don't use a translator to post. I can often guess what is meant, but often it's hard to get the correct meaning. And it sometimes just really hurts. Thank you, this is much appreciated.

    Sollte ich mich irren und dieser Post ist nativ deutsch, bitte ich vielmals um Entschuldigung. Aber dann bitte ich dringend um Überarbeitung. Ich kann zwar raten, was gemeint ist, aber die Zeile tut einfach weh. Meine persönliche Meinung. Vielen Dank.

  • Moin,

    ich bitte ebenso um die Bearbeitung des Textes.
    Momentan ist dieses Thema im falschen Bereich und wird in den OffTopic Bereich verschoben.

    Mfg Sebastian

    Gyrfalcon – Gerfalke zu deutsch. Aha. WTF ist ein Gerfalke? Ich kenn nur Vogel, wenns fliegt isses Vogel. Wenns nicht fliegt, müss’mer mal genauer gucken, eventuell ne Kurve machen.WiSim Welt man könnte ja mal vorbeischauen.
    Der tägliche Adminwahnsinn ->Forentrollfalle aus Keksen

  • Hi. I'm assuming this has been put through (Google) Translate. I'm very pleased to see that so many non-german speaking people are active here. But this is a personal request. Please don't do that. There are many members here that can write in English and I promise, there will be answers to any english post. It's great that you all try to participate more by trying to read german posts through translators. But please, if you don't speak german, don't use a translator to post. I can often guess what is meant, but often it's hard to get the correct meaning. And it sometimes just really hurts. Thank you, this is much appreciated.

    Sollte ich mich irren und dieser Post ist nativ deutsch, bitte ich vielmals um Entschuldigung. Aber dann bitte ich dringend um Überarbeitung. Ich kann zwar raten, was gemeint ist, aber die Zeile tut einfach weh. Meine persönliche Meinung. Vielen Dank.

    You are right, I'm non-German speaking. Just trying to integrate to this forum :saint: . I will follow your advice . I'm sorry if anyone missunderstood my post. What I meant to say is how hard is to be a modder. All my free-time hours spent on modeling and contributing to make this game greater, in despite of not having time to play it. I guess many other modders are in the same situation, aren't them?

    Anyway, the reward seeng how many people follow the WIP of the models compensates anything. ^^ Regards!

  • Yeah, I agree with ya. I did a WIP about the FYRA I'm doing and was also playing a game I started. After seeing a problem with one of the cargo stations, I took time to mod it better which took time away from FYRA. Since I didn't have any progress to show, someone asked to see some progress when there wasn't anything to show. So basically people need to understand that modders do play the game as well and don't always keep with the pace that the mod should be on. I'd enjoy seeing my model of FYRA in the game as well but I felt other things needed my attention first like the bridges I started to change. People are wanting more of them as well and I haven't gotten to doing all of them either. Basically I think I started too many things at once to keep up the pace but users need to understand that 'It will be done when it's done'. So please don't try to rush it with posts asking to see progress when there isn't anything to show.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tattoo ()

  • I, and I'm sure many others out there, too, appreciate the hard work, effort and endless time you, and other modders, invest in bringing us this high quantity and quality of mods for our (current) favourite game. I wanna thank you for that. :thumbup:

    But what you're saying is a shame. Please take the time to play the game at least once from 1850 to 2050, so that you know what you're modding for. And enjoy!

    PS: You know that there's a tag "English" you can use for a thread so everyone knows what's up at first glance?
