Rods and shafts of a steamer not following wheels direction when reversed

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  • Hello!

    I've completed a steam locomotive. It's nice and it's doing proper smoke 8).

    The locomotive is a Loco-tender with 3 axles, small and pretty simple but cute. I've created two .mdl files.

    The "forward" version is working great.

    The "backward" version (I've rotated the entire node in the "Rootnode" so that the locomotive appear 180° rotated) has a problem on animations: wheels are spinning in the right manner while shafts and rods keep spinning in forward - so that means that shafts are going in counter-direction.

    I honestly don't know why this is happening as everything looks good and I've already created another steamer, with animations working great. In this case, no idea of what is happening. By the way, I've put "forward = false" string on the animations built-by-hand and they are ok... but no way to fix the rods.

    I've used the util:

    drive = vehicleutil.makeCouplingRodAnim

    drive = vehicleutil.makeConnectingRodAnim

    drive = vehicleutil.makePistonAnim

    that was common on transport fever 1 (but still working on tpf2). Is there any way to force these 3 animations to go backward?

    Thanks in advance for any answer.

