How do I make the texture display according to uv maps in the model editor

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  • Hi! I am trying to import my finished model and texture into the model editor, and when I get the texture to display it comes out wrong and does not match the UV maps I created in blender.


    Model Editor

    Does anyone know how to fix this? Help would be much appreciated.

  • Hi!

    You can attach the pictures directly to Your post here, no need to resort to seedy 3rd party hosters :)

    Do You use .tga or .dds files? .dds would be a rather plausible cause, as those have to be mirrored vertically in order to be displayed properly. If You draw a texture file that matches Your UV map, export it as .tga initially to see that everything looks the way You want it to. And once this has been achieved, first mirror the .tga as mentioned and only then export it as .dds. This might already do the trick.
