Keine Laneanzeige mit Vulkan / No lanes visible when using vulkan

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  • Hi,

    ich habe festgestellt, dass bei mir die AltGr+L Linien nicht angezeigt werden, wenn ich Vulkan benutze. Ich habe das Spiel neu installiert und ohne Mods probiert, aber die Linien wurden dennoch nicht angezeigt. Als letzte Alternative probierte ich dann OpenGL. Und es hat funktioniert.




    i noticed, that the debug mode AltGr+L lanes didn't show for me when using Vulkan. I tried reinstalling the game and even played without any mods, but alas the lanes were still missing. As a last resort I tried using OpenGL and it actually worked.


    Using Radeon RX 570 8GB with Radeon Software 21.10.2 and Driver Version
    Vulkan™ Driver Version 2.0.198

    Vulkan™ API Version 1.2.188

  • Just in case someone has the same issue, there was a Driver-Update last week, which I overlooked initially. This fixed it for me. Thanks for your help again Yoshi.

  • Weird, now got a nearly similar issue. After it worked with VULKAN + AltGr+L for days on that save it stopped working from one day to the next.

    Blackscreen as soon as I press AltGr+L, no more logging in stdout.txt - only switching to OpenGL fixed it. But the performance is worse.
