Crash upon loading saved game

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  • I am having problems after the last time I played the game the other day.

    When I saved the game and was about to quit the game crashed and after that the save causes the game to crash everytime I start it.

    I can access the game and also start new games, so the problem seems to be specific for this savegame.

    When I look in the stdout the reason for the crash seems to be something related to cargotypes which makes me somewhat confused.

    Perhaps someone else can interpret the attached stdout and find the culprit?

  • please note the sequence

    Intel Core i9-9900k @ 3.60GHz / 64 GB DDR4 SDRAM 2133 / NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti 12288 MB GDDR6X

    BenQ PV3200 3840 x 2160 / 1x NVM 2 1TB / 1x NVM 2 2TB / 1x SSD 1TB / Win 10 Pro / TPF2 VULKAN
