Graphics and playability.

Willkommen in der Transport Fever Community

Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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Das Team der Transport-Fever Community

  • Hi, going to ask this in English, and hope I get an answer in English, since most is in German and I do not understand German.

    First txs for a fantastic game, best since TT were suspended.

    I have now almost a full game running about 40 trains and near 120 other vehicles running. Had to turn graphics down from 2500x1400 to 1900x1200 due to graphic stuttering. This game should be able to handle at least 4x this without stutter.

    I have:
    i7-4790 cpu
    8 GB
    64x win 8
    GeForce GTX 970

    As I understand my Pc is not the newest, nor is it the oldest. So it should be able to handle almost everything the game could throw at it.

    Do I have to reduce the settings even more or are you working on a solution to the problem?

    Best regards and again
    this is such a fantastic game.

  • Hi,The problem of TrainFever are less the graphic requirements but more that the game uses only one processor thread. This leads to freezing and the stuttering in the later game, if the calculations becomes more complex. It's simple an optimization problem which will hopefully fixed by the developers.

  • Txs, yes I noticed it is usually when calculations are done. The game stops then for 2-6 seconds depending on screen settings. Running now on 1600x900 so between the larger calculations (financial) at least appears to be a bit normal. Still stuttering though.

    I still just love the game.

    Best regards
