German "Bundesländer" signs

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  • While i was browsing through the "Downloads" section of the forum i found a mod from user "LouGoGreen" which adds multiple border (entrance) signs of the Federal States and also some Country border signs.

    Now I don't want to be annoying or anything but personally I think these signs are a little bit unrealistic in comparison to the real state border signs. I am not saying that it's a bad mod but just a tiny little bit unrealistic.

    it's not necessarily a request but maybe cool if there will be a kind of "remake" or "remaster" of these signs later or in the future which is a bit more accurate to the real signs.

    That's pretty much my "request". I know modding is pretty hard and takes a long time to create a mod. So as i said. It's not necessarily a request but just an idea ^^
