Train Fever Converter (BR146)

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Wir begrüßen euch in der Fan-Community zu den Spielen Transport Fever und Train Fever, den Wirtschaftssimulatoren von Urban Games. Die Community steht euch kostenlos zur Verfügung damit ihr euch über das Spiel austauschen und informieren könnt. Wir pflegen hier einen freundlichen und sachlichen Umgang untereinander und unser Team steht euch in allen Fragen gerne beiseite.


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  • Ich glaube, das mit der Normal Map liegt eher an TF. Ich habe dasselbe Problem bei meiner Iron Horse Lok. Das kann man sogar im meinem Avatar sehen (die Schwarzen Teile sollten kein Specular enthalten). Bei meinen Versuchsobjekt (mit Omichs Converter getestet), funktioniert der Alpha Kanal der Normal Map und bei meinen herkömmlichen Objekten (mit deinem Converter getestet) funktioniert der Alpha Kanal ebenfalls.



      (1,28 kB, 267 Mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
  • Hello, I've been working on bridges for the past couple days and I made some changes to the new Steelbridge. I used this program to back-convert the bridge pieces and imported them into max. Everything looked fine. I then removed the large beams from the bridge and and shrunk it sideways 1m. I then used the converter Omich made and have been having all kinds of problems and I had to rotate the pieces to get them to look correct in game.

    I finally decided to try this converter to see if it made any difference and the very first time, everything lined up correctly, rotated correctly and were the correct size.

    This converter works a lot better and after having the problems I did with this bridge, I'm going to go back and redo the vehicles I converted to TF. I'm also going to let Omich know of this so he's knows there is a problem with his.

    Thank you for making this program for us. I only wish I understood German to know all the features this one has but atleast it works for what I need. :)

  • Auch Meshes mit Joints (siehe Pferde oder Menschen)?

    Nein, DAS kann er nicht. Könntest du mir ein Testobjekt mit Joints schicken? Denn dann kann ich ihn dazu bringen, es zu können. Aber ich vermute stark, dass das Wavefront obj-Dateien das nicht unterstützen...

    Außerdem schau ich gerade, ob es gute Libraries gibt, um viele Dateitypen einlesbar zu machen. Assimp (was auch von Omich genutzt wird) find ich nicht ganz so toll - denn ich will keine DLL mitliefern müssen. Das macht die Bedienung nur komplizierter.

    @Tattoo: I will translate the downloadpage soon. The program itself will stay as it is, because it's unnecessary. You can use the program, when you know, who to start the program. And this is posible with just the information at downloadpage.

  • Thank you BR146. When I converted the bridge pieces, I used this for one of the parts;

    TFC_BR146.exe /make "railling_rep_side" OBJ MESH /mtl "bridge/rail/iron2/rail_iron2_new.mtl"

    and it gives me this and I don't know how to fix it.

    materials = {

  • Yes, that's a no. To avoid more problems, here's an example process:
    - Create a model with three groups
    - two groups use a material named "Red", one uses a material named "Blue"
    - export the obj file (with or without the mtl file)
    - run the converter and add /mtl "myname/myproject" as a parameter
    - place the mesh and texture files where you want them to be
    - create two mtl files (the train fever ones you can find in res/models/material folders) in res/models/material/myname/myproject/, one is named Red.mtl, one is named Blue.mtl
    - drink more coffee

  • Ok. I finally got around to trying something and yes, it finally works, perfectly. I haven't looked at the part ingame but feel it will be good. This is what I was trying to do with the other converter but wasn't sure what to do. Too bad the viewer won't show the second mesh with the second texture. I just used the other converter to see what happened and it doesn't even show that there is a second texture so this converter is the real deal.

    Again, thank you so much BR146 for your hard work in giving us a good converter. I will not use the other one any more.'

    EDIT: I tried a couple more parts and noticed it only worked when I checked 'Export Materials'. I did not have to create an .mtl file but 'Export Materials' NEEDS to be checked.

    Here's what I did just to show that the converter is capable of doing multiple textures. :D
