Lagging as game progresses

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  • Hello...

    I have a very capable system (i7 4770, 32 Gb RAM, dual NVidia 660 video) and enjoy the game very much. Up to a point.

    So, I build a medium-sized world with about 10 cities and a couple industries producing. Each city has a complete tram system with a lot of activity. I also have about 10 rail systems going between and connecting cities.

    But i get to a point where so much activity going on with my map development, the game becomes too laggy to really enjoy for long. So at one point it becomes really unplayable, even to simply watch the trains do their thing. So, I scrap that map and start a new one.

    And the cycle continues with the new map...and it gets too laggy...and I start a new map. Repeat...Repeat...Repeat.

    The only difference may be a new train locomotive...or new station design on the new map.

    Oh well...the building of the rail systems are worth it I guess.

    Wish i could really enjoy each finished system more tho.

    And I can't imagine the agony if I had a lesser computer system to play with. I count my lucky stars in that respect.

    Just a comment.

