Shinkansen 0 Series - By OlaHaldor an me [Updated Sep. 20th/21st]

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  • Really cool train :) Changed it myself so it never goes out of production :)
    You guys working on any other things (for TF) atm? Just curious ;)

    From Narvik, Norway, home of the worlds' strongest locomotives 8)
    *Reads (simple) german, answers in english. :)

  • "Flytoget" would be really cool :D The NSB Class 73 is pretty much identical, so I guess a repaint for that one is enough compared to the Class 71s (exterior wise).
    Good luck with the school stuff :)

    From Narvik, Norway, home of the worlds' strongest locomotives 8)
    *Reads (simple) german, answers in english. :)

  • Nice train but when viewed in the Model viewer, it shows that the bounding box is wrong. You might want to adjust it better. I don't know what effect it has being like this but you never know.

    Nice find. No idea why it is like that, but I won't change something that works. Did nothing to it.
