Favorite Diesel Engine

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  • One of my favorite Diesel Engines is the Alco HH 600. This is the first Diesel Engine to appear in the game, in the year 1930. I love the sound and looks of this little Diesel. I use it for all kinds of situations as it is so versatile. At 600 HP and 50 MPH I use it for everything from short runs to medium freight trains. If you need more HP, just add 1(1200HP),2 (1800 HP), or more engines.
    I like this little engine so well, I decided to add it to my table top N-Gage railroad. However, no one makes the Alco HH-600 engine in N-Gague, so I decided to kit bash my own Alco HH-600 no.706 in N-Gague. Can't have just one, so I added a second one no. 704. Both engines started out as Atlas Alco S-2 models. I removed the S-2 hoods and just needed to add a High Hood (HH). The hood I used started life as a MiniTrix Milwaukee Road FM H-12-44 Orange Diesel Shell, N-Scale, Factory Original Part 41/2002/01, purchased on eBay. I cut the hood off the H-12-44 shell and modified it to look like the Alco HH-600 hood.


    Edit by Merk: Replaced image with link.
