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    How to Switch Rail Lines

    This is something I stumbled on when upgrading a train station that I think would be useful to others. I have 3 lines going to one station at the Steelmill and they all go into one track before and after the station.

    When running track to the station, I wanted the red line on the inside of the curve and found a way to do it. The images below shows what I did and how the red line moved over.

    The first image shows how the 3 lines are run.

    First I found a spot that had 3 short pieces next to each other. I found them close to a junction.

    I started on the inside and deleted the 2 inner pieces.

    Then all 3 lines moved to the outer track.

    Next I rebuilt the pieces and the red line moved to the inside of the curve where I wanted it.

    This didn't work the first time I tried it and I had to do it more than once to get what I wanted but it works. So if it doesn't work the first time for you, you just have to try more than once and delete the track from the other side or the middle until they move where you want them.

    I hope it comes in handy for other as well.

    Ok. I finally got around to trying something and yes, it finally works, perfectly. I haven't looked at the part ingame but feel it will be good. This is what I was trying to do with the other converter but wasn't sure what to do. Too bad the viewer won't show the second mesh with the second texture. I just used the other converter to see what happened and it doesn't even show that there is a second texture so this converter is the real deal.

    Again, thank you so much BR146 for your hard work in giving us a good converter. I will not use the other one any more.'

    EDIT: I tried a couple more parts and noticed it only worked when I checked 'Export Materials'. I did not have to create an .mtl file but 'Export Materials' NEEDS to be checked.

    Here's what I did just to show that the converter is capable of doing multiple textures. :D

    Thank you again DasMatze. So it seems that this converter will work with multiple textures applied to the model? ill have to experiment with that but only so much time in a day and I don't sleep enough as it is. :D

    Oh ok, DasMatze, Thank you, I will try it. So should I also create a .mtl file when exporting to .obj? Right now I don't. I did do that but it didn't seem to matter so I stopped doing it while using Omich's converter.

    Thank you BR146. When I converted the bridge pieces, I used this for one of the parts;

    TFC_BR146.exe /make "railling_rep_side" OBJ MESH /mtl "bridge/rail/iron2/rail_iron2_new.mtl"

    and it gives me this and I don't know how to fix it.

    materials = {

    Hello, I've been working on bridges for the past couple days and I made some changes to the new Steelbridge. I used this program to back-convert the bridge pieces and imported them into max. Everything looked fine. I then removed the large beams from the bridge and and shrunk it sideways 1m. I then used the converter Omich made and have been having all kinds of problems and I had to rotate the pieces to get them to look correct in game.

    I finally decided to try this converter to see if it made any difference and the very first time, everything lined up correctly, rotated correctly and were the correct size.

    This converter works a lot better and after having the problems I did with this bridge, I'm going to go back and redo the vehicles I converted to TF. I'm also going to let Omich know of this so he's knows there is a problem with his.

    Thank you for making this program for us. I only wish I understood German to know all the features this one has but atleast it works for what I need. :)

    Müssen wir warten, bis da jemand am Mapping gearbeitet hat, irgendwo hab ich hier auch gelesen, dass das jemand auf seiner ToDo hat, z.b. beim 40-Tonner.

    18 Wheels of Steel trucks?

    EDIT; Nvm, I just noticed this is the 40 tonner and NOT from 18wos.

    Thank you. I'm glad ya'll like it. Here's a shot of when the doors are open. I have an image of this part and this is basically how it is irl. Again, it needs to be textured but that will come last right before I'm ready to export it. I still have a lot to do but am in NO rush but hope it's finished in a week or 2. And yes, the vents are wrong. Those are from the old model and still needs to be redone.

    The red looks alright to me. The blue should actually be pink however. Try this:
    blue1 (pink1): rgb(235, 87, 158)
    blue2 (pink2): rgb(237, 167, 230)


    Really? Pink? Wow, I thought it was Blue. lol. Thanks but that doesn't look like ANY of the images I have of it. Here it is with those colors. Does anyone else agree with the colors Eversor posted?

    EDIT: I just looked thru a bunch of images I have of it and these do match a couple. So I think these are very close to what it is. Thank you very much. I can't remember where I took the colors from that I used. :) I also noticed that I have the first red line a bit wrong so I have to change that. You can see where the cut is by the window of the door. The line has to be a bit higher.

    Here's a couple shots of what I have done so far. The bodies are all new except for the nose of the first car. That I just refined. I made all the doors so they will open. I only show 4 cars because they will get flipped to make the whole train. The front and rear of the train are the same. I still have more to do and I still have to map them all and make the textures. The bogies need to be finished too.

    Can someone tell me if the colors look correct? I'm reg-green colorblind and think they're close but not sure. If someone knows what the colors actually are, I can use the help, please.

    This is what I used right now;
    red - 213, 18, 18
    blue1 - 163, 163, 204
    blue2 - 199, 199, 204

    OK, I know what ya mean now, right, like you did on your SD. Yes, I was going to do something like that. I already have 2 versions of the pantos for the second LOD but am not sure how well this high poly version will work in game.

    How does anyone know what fps they're getting? There is no setting in game to show it so there must be something else to find out. I'm curious because my Quad core doesn't handle the game well and was wanting to know what fps I'm running at. I thought it would be better with a 2 gig GeForce but someone said that it actually needs a 4 gig GeForce. I just bought this one recently so there's no way I'll upgrade already. I spent $350.00 on this one and am not going to spend $600.00 more on a new one when this one works fine for everything else but this game.

    hehehe, yeah, I should set it up with like a 2 year lifespan so you have to replace it like irl. :)

    Here’s a shot of the pantos. Some parts look white but the color is actually a light grey. The light turned them white when rendered for some reason. These were made high poly and might have to be lowered. I don’t want to lose the detail so am going to try them as is for now. I’ll change them if they seem laggy but since the rest of the car has very few polys, they may be ok.